Kotenko T. I., Ardamatckaja T. B., Pinchuk V. I., Rudenko A. G., Selunina Z. V., Tkachenko P. V. 1996. The vertebrate animals of Black See Reservation (annotated list of species). Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 1, 48 p.

Dovgal I. V. 1996. The keys for identification of tentaculous infusoria (Ciliophora, Suctoria) of the Ukrainian fauna. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 2, 42 p.

Bogdanovich I. A. 1997. Terrestrial locomotion apparatus of Tetraonidae and other Galliformes. Norpho-ecological character. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 3, 152 p.

Putshkov P. V. 1997. Were the mammoths killed by the warming? (Testing of the climatic versions of Wurm extinctions). Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 4, 76 p.

Zagorodnyuk I. V., Pokynchereda V. F., Kyselyuk O. I., Dovganuch Y. A., Emelyanov I. (Editor). 1997. Theriofauna of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 5, 58 p.

Sabodash V. M., Semenenko L. I. 1998. Ecologic-biological base of the acclimatization of Far East mullet – pelingas (Mugil so-iuy) in the water basins of Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 6, 53 p.

Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya. 1998. Chalcifoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) – Ormyridae and Torymidae (Megastigminae) of the Ukrainian fauna. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 7, 65 p.

Anistratenko V. V. 1998. Handbook for identification of pectinibranch gastropods of the Ukrainian fauna. Part 1. Marine and brackishwater. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 8, p. 3–65. Part 2. Freshwater and land. p. 67–117.

Entomology in Ukraine (Proceedings of V Congress of Ukrainian Entomological Society, 7–11 September, 1998, Kharkov). Vestnik Zoologii, 1998, suppl. No. 9, 204 p.

The complex of zoophagous of pests of fruit-berries cultures of Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, 1999, suppl. No. 10, 91 p.

Przewalski's horse (Equus przewalskii Pol., 1881): Problems preservation and introducing in nature area (Proceedings of the VI International symposium of the preservation of the przewalski horse deducation 100th breeding the species in Askania-Nova Reservation). Vestnik Zoologii, 1999, suppl. No. 11, 240 p.

Kovtun M. F., Ledenev S. Y. 1999. Growth and development of limbs in Chiroptera. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 12, 82 p.

Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya. 1999. Torymid chalcidoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) of tribes Podagrionini and Monodontomerini of the Ukrainian fauna. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 13, 130 p.

Zoological researches in the Ukraine. Part 1. Fauna and Systematics. Vestnik Zoologii, 2000, suppl. No. 14(1), 130 p.

Zoological researches in the Ukraine. Part 2. Ecology, Morphology and Methods. Vestnik Zoologii, 2000, suppl. No. 14(2), 225 p.

Gorb S. N., Pavljuk R. S., Spuris Z. D. 2000. Odonata of Ukraine: a faunistic overview. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 15, 154 p.

Kotenko T. I., Ardamatskaya T. B., Dubyna D. V. et al. (Eds.: T. I. Kotenko and Yu. R. Shelyag-Sosonko). 2000. Biodiversity of Jarylgach: Modern state and ways for conservation. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 16, 240 p.

Entomological researches in Ukraine. Proceedings of Ukrainian Entomological Society. Vestnik zoologii, 2016, Suppl. No 16, 178 p.

Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya., Stetsenko I. T. 2003. Torymid chalcid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) of the tribe Torymini of the Ukrainian fauna. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 17, 104 p.

Actual problems in parasitology: Proceedings of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists. Vestnik Zoologii, 2004, suppl. No. 18, 202 p.

Parasitology today: Proceedings of the Theoretical-and-Practical Conference of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician of NAS of Ukraine A. P. Markevich. Vestnik Zoologii, 2005, suppl. No. 19, part 1, p. 1–217; part 2, p. 218–383

Zerova M. D., Tolkanitz V. I., Kotenko A. G. and other. 2006. The Types of Ichneumonoidea, Cynipoidea and Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera, Apocrita) Deposited in the Collection of the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 20, 136 p.

Kolodochka L. A. 2006. Phytoseiid mites of Palaearctic Region (Parasitiformes, Phytodeiidae): faunistics, taxonomy, ecomorphology, evolution. faunistics, taxonomy, ecomorphology, evolution). Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 21. 250 p.

Melika G. 2006. Gall wasps of Ukraine. Cinipidae. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 21, part 1. p. 1–300; part 2, p. 301–644.

"Mykhailivska Virgin Land" Reserve: 80 years. Vestnik Zoologii, 2009, suppl. No. 22, 84 p.

In memory of Viktor Petrovich Sharpilo. Vestnik Zoologii, 2009, suppl. No. 23, 216 p.

Zerova M. D. 2010. Palaearctic Species of the Genus Eurytoma (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eurytomidae): Morphological and Biological Peculiarities, Trophical Associations and Key to Determination. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 24, 204 p.

Tytar V. M. 2011. Analysis of home ranges in species: an approach based on modeling the ecological niche. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 25, 93 p.

Putshkov P. V., Puchkov A. V. 2012. The Type-Specimens of True Bugs (Heteroptera), Scale Insects (Coccodea) and Leaf-Hoppers (Auchenorrhyncha), Deposited in the Collections of the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 26, 167 p.

Kovalyova I. M. 2013. Morphofunctional Features of the Wing Membrane of Bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in Connection with the Evolution of the Order. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 27, 80 p. <figures>

Sarabeev V., Rubtsova N., Yang T., Balbuena J. A. 2013. Taxonomic Revision of the Atlantic and Pacific Species of Ligophorus (Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) from Mullets (Teleostei, Mugilidae) with the Proposal of a New Genus and Description of Four New Species. Vestnik Zoologii, suppl. No. 28, 112 p.

Andreeva R. V. 2013. Peculiarities in Evolution of Lower Brachycera Belonging to Infraorder Tabanomorpha (Diptera, Brachycera, Orthorrhapha) Evidence from Study of Palearctic Fauna. Vestnik zoologii, Suppl. No 29, pp. 5-48.

Putchkov A. V. 2013. The Tiger Beetles Larvae of Cicindelina Subtribe (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) of Palearctic Region (Morphology, Taxonomy, Key). Vestnik zoologii, Suppl. No 29, pp. 49-87.

Zhitnikov A. Yа. 2014. Structural-Metabolic Features and Dynamics of Replacement of Cartilage with Bone Skeleton in Terrestrial Vertebrates with Diff erent Locomotor Loads. Vestnik zoologii, Suppl. No 30, 104 p.

Bogdanovich I. A. 2014. Origin and Evolutionary-Morphological Characteristics of Terrestrial Locomotion Apparatus of Birds. Vestnik zoologii, Suppl. No 31, 80 p.

Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya. 2015. Ormyridae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Ormyridae) of Palaearctic. Vestnik zoologii, Suppl. No 32, 116 p.

Chernichko I. 2015. Importance of the Azov-Black Sea Coast of Ukraine in Supporting the Structure of Transcontinental Flyways in Eastern Europe. Vestnik zoologii, Suppl. No 33, 258 p. Part 1 ... Part 2

Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Ukraine: the Number, Territorial Distribution and their Changes / Edited by V. A. Kostiushyn, P. I. Gorlov and V. D. Siokhin. Vestnik zoologii, 2016, Suppl. No 34, 394 p.



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