Hymenolepidid Cestodes from Grebes (Aves, Podicipedidae) in Ukraine: the Genera Dollfusilepis and Parafimbriaria. Vasileva G. P., Kornyushin V. V., Genov T. - A redescription of Dollfusilepis hoploporus (Dollfus, 1951) based on specimens from Podiceps cristatus in Ukraine (new geographical record) is presented. This species is also recorded from the same host species in Turkmenistan (new geographical record). Dollfusilepis grisegenicus Vasileva, Kornyushin, Genov, sp. n. from Podiceps grisegena is described. It differs from the type-species of Dollfusilepis hoploporus mainly by the presence of rosethorn-shaped spines on the protrusible poral part of the cirrus-sac. The generic diagnosis of Dollfusilepis Vasileva, Georgiev, Genov, 1998 is amended. Parafimbriaria micracantha Gulyaev, 1990 is redescribed on the basis of specimens from P. nigricollis in Ukraine (new geographical record).
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Analysis of Morphological Characters in Representatives of the Genera Lymnaea of the Subgeneras Corvusiana and Stagnicola (Pulmonata, Lymnaeidae). Garbar A. V. - Complex analysis of the conchologycal and anatomical characteristics of 2 species of the subgenus Corvusiana and 4 species of the subgenus Stagnicola based on Bonferroni test and discriminant analysis has been done. Quantitative characters of the shell and reproductive system were shown to have limited diagnostic value on the level of species and sections. In particular, no significant differences in the studied characters were found between L. turricula Held (sensu Pirogov et Starobogatov, non Jackiewicz) and L. atra Schrank - species assigned to different sections. The most reliable combination of characters for identification of the investigated species is the ratio of the height of the last whorl of shell to its height taken together with the anatomic characteristics. However, even in this case morphological distance between some species only slightly exceeded inter-populational distances. At the same time, distinctness of L. vulnerata Küster, sensu Pirogov et Starobogatov (=L. occulta Jackiewicz) from the other species of Stagnicola has been proved.
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Review of Scelionids of the Genus Sparasion (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) of Palaearctic Region. Communication 1. Characteristics of the Genus and Description of New Species. Kononova S. V., Petrov S. - Morpho-biological characteristic of the genus Sparasion Latreille, 1802 and description of the 24 new Sparasion species are presented: Sparasion tridens, S. petrovi, S. gibber, S. anatolyi, S. karadagicus, S. argus, S. magus, S. unicolor, S. raptor, S. hungaricus, S. arion, S. gibberosus, S. fragosus, S. rubrior, S. trjapitzini, S. rubescens, S. atomus, S. marshakovi, S. nordus, S. dacus, S. rubridens, S. largus, S. recens, S. latens. A brief analysis of zoogeographic distribution of Sparasion occuring in Palearctic Region and some biological peculiarities are given.
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Genetic and Taxonomic Homogeneity of the Eastern Asian Mouse, Alsomys major (Rodentia: Muridae). Mezhzherin S. V. - Variation of 39 biochemical loci and 2 regulator systems were investigated in the three subspecies of eastern Asian mouse Alsomys major Radde, 1862, differing by B-chromosome number: (i) low number chromosome subspecies 2n=48-53 (Al. m. peninsulae) from Primorie, (ii) high number subspecies 2n=48-72 (Al. m. tscherga) representing mainland forms and (iii) island subspecies Al. major giliacus (2n=48). As result of the investigation is confirmation of the absence of any relationships between level of heterozygosity varying in different populations from 0 to 0,038 and chromosome supernumerary as well as faxed gene differences between subspecies. Evolutionary genetic stability of Eastern Palearctic representatives of Muridae having a large areas occupying during very shot period of time discussed in comparisons with the fast evolving Western Palearctic wood mice of the genus Sylvaemus.
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Occitanomys hispanicus (Rodentia, Muridae) of Neogenian of Ukraine. Nesin V. A. - First in the East Europe fossil remainders of mice of the genus Occitanomys Michaux, 1969 (Upper Miocene, location Frunzivka-2, Odessa Region, Ukraine) are described.
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Peculiarities of Nesting of the White Goose (Chen caerulescens) under Semi-Free Conditions in Askania-Nova Natural Reserve. Zubko V. N., Chernobaeva T. M. - The influence of certain factors into quantity of egg clutches of the white goose living in a semi-free micropopulation in the Askania-Nova Natural Reserve was examined. The coexistence with other anseriform birds was found to result in adaptation to new conditions and shifting their nesting rhythm to earlier terms. Nesting success is based upon geese abilities to become gradually fitting general nesting rhythm of an artificial bird community composed of many species and a tolerance to both conspecific and non-conspecific nesting neighbors. Under semi-free conditions at the Askania-Nova Reserve, white geese performed high adaptive ability and productivity corresponding to the features of this species under natural conditions in combination with the influence of the same factors (climatic, seasonal, ageing, preceding clutch experience, etc.) plus the anthropic pressure.
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Functional Morphology of the Pelvic Limbs as Water Propulsor of the Birds in Atmo-Hydrobiont Series. Mordvinov Yu. E. - Morphogenesis of the pelvic limbs as water propulsor was analyzed on the basis of collected morphological material of different water birds of different taxonomical position and ecomorphologically types: Rissa tridactila (Linnaeus), Larus ridibundus Linnaeus, Aptenodites patagonica Miller, Cepphus grulle (Linnaeus), Lunda cirrhata (Pallas), Uria aalge (Pontopp.), Phalacrocorax pelagicus Pallas, Gavia arctica (Linnaeus), Podiceps cristatus (Linnaeus) - and of filming of their swimming. It has been established, that two lines of propulsors development have appeared: first as improving of coxal legs in the water, second as using wings as main organ of propulsion.
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The Distribution and Variability of Chonotrichs (Ciliophora, Chonotrichia) of Ukrainian Fauna. Communication 2. Heliochona pontica. Dovgal I. V. - The distribution of Heliochona pontica Jankowski, 1973, the commensal of marine gammarid amphipods have been investigated. This species is probably distributed along the northern coast of the Black and Azov Seas. Dependence of sizes of chonotrichs' body upon both abiotic and biotic factors, such as temperature of water, salinity and species of the host, is characteristic for H. pontica. The regional peculiarities of heliochons variability are connected with the complex influence of the mentioned factors.
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The Discovery of Cysticercoids of Unknown Species of the Genus Tatria (Cestoda, Amabiliidae) in the Dragonfly Sympetrum meridionale from Turkmenistan. Pavlyuk R. S. - About 250 cysticercoids were found in body cavity of a dragonfly S. meridionale Selys, 1841 from Ashgabad (Turkmenistan). Cysticercoids were similar to those of the species Tatria decacantha (Fuhrmann, 1913). However, they differ from the type specimens of T. decacantha and from related Joyeuxilepis uralensis Gulaev, 1989 in the shape of large hooks on the tip of rostellum and in size and number of rostellar spines. Adult tapeworms with such characters are unknown. Cysticercoids discovered apparently belong to an undescribed species. Dragonfly S. meridionale is a new intermediate host for tapeworms.
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Terrestrial Malakofauna (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) of Mykolayiv Region. Kramarenko S. S., Sverlova N. V. - 35 terrestrial snail species were recorded from Mykolayiv region (north-western Black Sea coast) according the literature data and own results. Most of the species are widespread in Europe or Holarctics. The distribution ranges of X. derbentina (Krynicki, 1833), H. pomatia L., 1756, M. fruticola (Krynicki, 1833), P. bigranata (Rossmässler, 1839) and L. maculatus (Kaleniczenko, 1851) are extended. T. kusceri (H. Wagner, 1931) is recorded in Ukraine for the second time.
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Description of Preimaginal Stages of Two Species of the Genus Sciocoris (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) in the South of Central Asia. Isakov Yu. M. - New data on bionomics of S. capitatus Jakowlew and S. kiritschenkoi Wagner are given based upon the author's observations of these species in Middle Asia in 1988-1993. Descriptions of preimaginal stages of S. capitatus and S. kiritschenkoi is given. Adults of S. capitatus hibernate and in April appear after hibernation. Copulation and oviposition start in May (plains) or June (mountains). There are up to 2 generations a year. Hibernation starts in August-September. Clutch includes 1-12 eggs, which are placed either solely, or in two rows or chess-fashioned. Eggs develop 3-5 days. Perovskia (Lamiaceae), Dodartia (Scrophulariaceae) and Mausolea (Asteraceae) genera are considered host plants. Average size of eggs 0.87-0.7 mm. S. kiritschenkoi was collected in June-July. There are apparently two generations a year. Eggs are laid one by one or chess-fashioned. Host plant: Clematis orientalis Linnaeus (Ranunculaceae). Eggs develop 6 days. Average size of eggs 0.98-0.72 mm. Keys to eggs and larvae of Sciocoris are provided.
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Peculiarities of the Sexual Structure of Crucian Populations in Lower Danube. Goncharenko N. I. - The quick-growing and stiff-growing ecological forms of the crucian Carassius auratus gibelio (Bloch, 1783) is discussed. Results of study the fish sex ratio from the Kilia delta of the Danube are performed. Quick-growing population that consisted only of females in 1970s now includes males; in 1990s, the amount of males was about 40%. A tendency to growth of male ratio is observed also in the stick-growing population. Changes in sex ratios in population structure are adaptive to aggravation of environmental conditions that supports high level of natural reproduction of the crucian.
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Some Peculiarities of Periodization of Hunting Pheasant Postembriogenesis in Southern Ukraine. Communication 2. Korzh A. P. - A strong dependence of a postembrional development of the hunter pheasant on conditions of breading makes it difficult a periodisation, which could be used in practice. We have defined three periods of the postembriogenesis: up to 30 days age, the period of development; up to 90 days age, the period of growth; and after 90th day, the period of adulting. Depending on conditions and a genotype of breading bird and a geographical zone as well the appearance of some characters range around the limits of some weeks. Therefore, the terms of defined periods cannot be considered as exactly determined. Under optimal conditions of breading a first period can finish by the 21st day and the second - by the 60th.
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Some Results of Bat Ringing in the Crimean Mountains. Volokh A. M., Karmishev Y. V. - Information about the results of bat ringing is given and their numbers wintering in the Crimea caves in 1982-1990 are presented. The settled way of life in the lesser and the greater horseshoe bats is discussed. The necessity of the continuation of bat ringing and population monitoring is shown.