Description of the Larva of the Tiger Beetle Pogonostoma
majunganum (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae). Putchkov A. V., Dolin V. G.
The 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of Pogonostoma majun-ganum Jeannel, 1946 reared
to imago are described. Brief ecological data and comparative discussion are given.
Key words: Coleoptera, Cicindelidae, Pogonostoma, larva, description, ecology,
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New Crepidogaster (Coleoptera, Caraboidea,
Brachinidae) from western Africa and Madagascar. Deuve Th. Four new
species are described within the genus Crepidogaster Boheman, 1848: C. amieti
Deuve, sp. n. from Cameroon, C. dolini Deuve, sp. n., C. kavanaughi Deuve, sp.
n. and C. mateui Deuve, sp. n. from Madagascar. An identification key is given
for all the Crepidogastrinae species known from Madagascar.
Key words: Coleoptera, Caraboidea, Brachinidae, Crepidogastrinae, new species,
identifica-tion key, Cameroon, Madagascar.
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A New Species of the Genus Diplous, Subgenus
Platidius (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from East Siberia. Zamotajlov A. S.
Diplous dolini Zamotajlov, sp. n., a sibling species of D. depressus (Gebler),
is described from East Siberia. It is distinguishable mainly by the structure
of endophallus and size and shape of ventrite IX. The pathways of diversification
of the subge-nus Platidius in Siberia are briefly discussed.
Key words: Coleoptera, Carabidae, Diplous, East Siberia, new species.
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Mordellistena dolini sp. n.,
a New Mordellid Beetle of the gemellata Group (Coleoptera, Mordellidae).
Odnosum V. K. Mordellistena dolini Odnosum, sp. n. from Azerbaijan
(the Greater Caucasus Range, Altyagach), similar with M. gemellata Schilsky, differing
from the latter by peculiar shape of the terminal segment of maxillary palpus,
pygidium and 8th uros-ternite.
Key words: Coleoptera, Mordellidae, gemellata group, new species.
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Description of the Larva of Athous
monilicornis (Coleoptera, Elateridae), with Notes on the Species Distribution.
Penev L. First description of the larva of Athous (Haplathous) monili-cornis
Schwarz, 1897, a species endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, known so far from Bulgaria,
and reported in this paper from Macedonia and Greece as well. The larva differs
from the other representative of subgenus Haplathous occurring in the high mountains
of Bulgaria Athous subfuscus (Mu#ller), by the width of the pit of the urogomphi.
Athous monilicornis is confined to the subalpine habitats and the upper coniferous
forests belt of the mountains of Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece.
Key words: Coleoptera, Elateridae, click beetles, Athous monilicornis, A. subfuscus,
larva, Balkan Peninsula.
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The First Eocene Representative of Ipelates
(Coleoptera, Agyrtidae) from the Baltic Amber. Perkovsky E. E. Ipelates
kerneggeri Perkovsky, sp. n., the first fossil species of the genus Ipelates Reitter
is described from the Baltic amber. It is close to the recent Nearctic I. latus
(Mannerheim) in habitus, but differs by very rare large punctures on the middle
part of prono-tum, longer antennae with narrow club (length of the 3rd antennal
segment is 0.8 times as long as the 4th and 5th segments together), narrow anterior
1/4 of epipleural keel, smaller number of large punctures between the 9th line
of punctures and epipleural keel.
Key words: Coleoptera, Agyrtidae, Ipelates, taxonomy, Eocene, amber.
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Oreomela dolini sp. n. (Coleoptera,
Chrysomelidae), a New Species of a Central Asian Genus of Leaf Beetles. Lopatin
I. K. F new species of leaf beetles of the Central Asian genus Oreomela
Jacobson is described from the Saur Range (eastern Kazakhstan). Numerous spe-cies
of this genus are wingless and occur in mountain systems of Tien Shan, Pamiro-Alai,
Hindu Kush, Xinjiang and Tibet, being characteristical and common on alpine meadows.
O. dolini sp. n. is similar to O. korolkovi Jacobson from the Dzhungar Alatau
Mountains in the punctuation on elytra disc partially forming rows, differing
by thickened joints of short antenna, sparse punctuation on head and shape of
Κλώχεβϋε ρλξβΰ: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, new species, Kazakhstan, Saur Mt. Ridge.
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A New Species of Tetramesa (Hymenoptera,
Eurytomidae) from Iran. Madjdzadeh M., Zerova M., Dawah H. Tetramesa
leucospae Zerova et Madjdzadeh, sp. n. is described from Iran (type locality:
Karadi-Chalous). New species belongs to cereipes group.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae, new species, Iran.
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The First Record of Anagyrus subflaviceps
(Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) from Israel. Simutnik S. A., Pavlicek T., Nevo E.
Anagyrus subflaviceps (Girault, 1915) was described from Aus-tralia and later
was recorded from Spain, Portugal, India, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, South Africa,
Zimbabwe. An illustrated redescription based upon specimens collected in Israel
(Ha Negev, Nachal Haroa) is provided.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae, Israel, fauna.
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New Species of the Genus Noxocremastus
(Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cremastinae) from South-Western Africa. Narolsky
N. B. A new species of cremastine wasps, Noxocre-mastus damariensis
Narolsky, sp. n., is described from Namibia. New data on distribution of Noxocremastus
chopardi are discussed. A male of Noxocremastus sp. cf. facialis is recorded from
Mongolia. A key to species of Noxocremastus is provided.
Key words: Ichneumonidae, Cremastinae, Noxocremastus, new species, taxonomy.
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Three New Species of the Genus Syncopacma
(Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from Central Asia. Bidzilya O. V. Syncopacma
dolini Bidzilya, sp. n. from Kyrgyzstan (type locality: Southern Kygyzstan., Kyzyl-Dzhar
near Tash-Kumyr), S. tadzhika Bidzilya, sp. n. from Tadzhikistan (type locality:
Kondara) and Syncopacma altaica Bidzilya, sp. n. from Altai Mountains (type locality:
Kuraiskiy Range near Aktash, upper stream of Jarly-Jary River) are described.
All new taxa resemble externally other black Syncopacma species with white subapical
fascia, but can be distinguished clearly by the male genitalia characters.
Key words: Gelechiidae, Syncopacma, new species, Kyrgyzstan, Tadzhikistan, Altai.
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A New Species of the Genus Heterogenella
(Diptera, Cecidomyiidae, Lestremiinae) from Zacarpathje (Ukraine). Mamaev B. M.,
Berest Z. L. Heterogenella biradiata Mamaev et Berest, sp. n. is described
(type locality: Rakhiv Transcarpathian Ukraine). Type material is deposited in
the collection of the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Kyiv. The generic name
Cervuatina Berest is resurrected from the synonymy with Heterogenella Mamaev,
based on a specimen of H. biradiata sp. n., which was misidentified as H. cambrica
by M. Jaschhof (1998).
Key words: Diptera, Cecidomyiidae, new species.
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Morphological and Taxonomic Diversity
of Larvae in the Infraorder Tabanomorpha of the Palaearctic Region. Andreeva R.
V. The structure of integuments and morphological fea-tures of larvae
in the infraorder Tabanomorpha studied with the use of modern methods, are considered
in connections with conditions of their development. This allows to evaluate how
advanced is each of the families and to trace the history of formation of certain
structures and organs, which contributed to the progress of each taxon in the
phylogenesis. The manifest disproportion of larval and adult lifespans in the
ontogenesis, which characterizes most of the lower Brachycera, is shown to determine
correspondingly different adaptation and selection abilities in the phylogenesis.
Key words: Diptera, Tabanomorpha, larvae, structures, morphology, appendages,
integu-ments, movement, body shape.
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A New Genus and Species of the Tribe
Lipsanini (Diptera, Ulidiidae) from Central America. Kameneva E. P.
Vladolinia dolini Kameneva, gen. et sp. n. from Costa Rica is described. It superficially
resembles Zacompsia Coquillett in the elongate head and body and similar wing
pattern, differing by the eye longer than high, acute fronto-facial angle, prominent
clypeus, wide anal lobe and conical, dorsally protruding scutellum.
Key words: Diptera, Ulidiidae, Lipsanini, Central America, new genus and species.