Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 39, No. 5 (September-October, 2005)

Little-Known Species of the Genus Zelotes (Aranei, Gnaphosidae) from Crimea. Kovblyuk M. M. — spider species are redescribed based on material from Crimea: Z. olympi (Kulczynski, 1903), Z. orenburgensis Tuneva et Esyunin, 2003 and Z. tenuis (L. Koch, 1866). Z. olympi male is described for the first time. For the comparison with Z. olympi, diagnostic drawings of the closest species, Z. talpinus (L. Koch, 1872), are presented. Z. olympi is recorded in the former USSR for the first time, and Z. orenburgensis in Ukraine. Z. tenuis has been noted only in Crimea within the former USSR territory. Records of Z. aeneus (Simon, 1878) from Crimea are referred to Z. tenuis (the material was re-studied), so Z. aeneus is to be excluded from the Crimean araneofauna list.
Key words: Aranei, Gnaphosidae, Zelotes, Crimea.

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New and Little Known Species of Chalcidoid Wasps of the Families Eurytomidae and Ormyridae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Israel and Kazakhstan. Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya., Pavlicek T., Nevo E. — Three new species of the Genus Ormyrus (Ormyridae) are from Israel and Kazakhstan and two new species of the Genus Eurytoma (Eurytomidae) from Israel are described; three rare palearctic species — E. asphodeli Hedqvist, E. spinipes Kalina and E. ochraceipes Kalina are indicated for Israel fauna.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae, Ormyridae, new species, Israel, Kazakhstan.

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Biology and preimaginal stages of Central Asian leaf-beetles from Gnathomela and Chrysolina genera (Coleoptera, Chrisomelidae). Lopatin I. K., Nesterova O. L. — The information about biology of leaf-beetles Gnathomela valida Lopatin, Chrysolina bactriana (Lopatin) and Chrysolina lia Jacobson is given. Larvae of these species are described.
Key words: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Gnathomela, Chrysolina, biology, larvae.

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The Intraspecific Variability of the Some Species of Clausiliidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) under Influence of Habitat Conditions. Baidashnikov А. А. — The species of Clausiliidae (Cochlodina orthostoma (Menke, 1830), Cochlodina laminata (Montagu, 1803), Ruthenica filograna (Rossma#ssler, 1836), Macrogastra latestriata (A. Schmidt, 1857), Laciniaria plicata (Draparnaud, 1801), Bulgarica cana (Held, 1836) are most widespread in Ukraine and a part of Moldova. The variability of shell parameters (the whorl number of shell, the shell height, the index of shell height/shell width, the rib number per 1 mm of the next to last whorl) was discussed. The variability of the parameters under influence of the biotopic factor (spectrum of main biotopes) and territorial factor (distribution of different forests on territory of Ukraine) are analyzed.
Key words: Clausiliidae, intraspecific variability, shell parameters.

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Morphometric Variation, Geographic Distribution and Population Size of Triturus cristatus and Triturus dobrogicus (Amphibia, Salamandridae) in Transcarpathians. Kurtiak F. F., Mezhzherin S. V. — The 100% reliability of diagnostics of Triturus cristatus and Triturus dobrogicus was achieved as a result of analysis of 10 body measurements, while using of individual traits relative limbs length and Wolterstorff’s index gives the maximum identification about 98.2% and 99.5% specimens of both species, correspondingly. Spatial separation of species ranges took place at the altitude of 120–150 m. It is shown that ecological differentiation determined by different habitat preferences (T. dobrogicus dwells steppe landscapes, while Triturus cristatus lives in forests) is the main factor, which determines isolation of two species in places of overlapping of their ranges. It is revealed, that population density of Triturus dobrogicus, even though became 1.8 times smaller during the last 30 years, now could be assessed as high due to stable numbers during census of Amphibians. At the same time the population size of Triturus cristatus has decreased in 3.3 times and its frequency in Amphibians census has decreased two times. The materials on distribution and population size of T. dobrogicus in Transcarpathians do not allow either to consider this species critically endangered or to include it to the national Red Data Book.
Key words: newts, Triturus cristatus, Triturus dobrogicus, geographic distribution, morphological variation, population size.

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Body Proportions of Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena (Cetacea, Phocoenidae) in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. Gol’din P. E. — The studies of the allometric growth of the body parts in harbour porpoises have shown that the growth of body parts during the postnatal ontogenesis of the harbour porpoise differs substantially in four body sectors, which correspond to the skull and the parts of vertebral column. The highest rates of allometric growth are observed in the thoracic and caudal departments. The middle part of the body is characterized by maximum rates of allometry in both sexes. The hypothisis was brought forward that the two-stage growth of the organism is determined by the periodicity of growth of the caudal department. Sexual dimorphism of the body size is determined by the body parts, which exhibit positive allometry or isometry in both part. Sexual differences in growth rates are observed in the lumbar part but the differences of absolute length values concern only anus-genital distance.
Key words: harbour porpoise, the Sea of Azov, the Black Sea, body proportions, allometry.

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Arrhopalites kristiani sp. n. (Collembola, Symphypleona, Arrhopalitidae) from a Cave in Eastern Carpathians. Vargovich R. S. — A new collembolan species of the genus Arrhopalites Bo#rner, 1906 from Ukrainian (Eastern) Carpathians is described, figured and compared with similar species. A. kristiani Vargovich, sp. n. belongs to the species group with one spine on the dens but differs from the other known species by the presence of thin, elongate and untoothed claws, swollen setae on female anogenital segment and the shape of the mucro tip.
Key words: Arrhopalites, Collembola, new species, cave/adit, Carpathia, Ukraine.

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About Abnormalities in the Development of Genitalia in Linyphiidae Spiders. Gnelitsa V. A. — Two facts of breach of Linyphiidae spiders genitals development are described and illustrated.
Key words: spiders, Linyphiidae, genitalia, abnormalities of development.

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Peculiarities of Heavy Metal Ions Accumulation in Shells of Planorbis planorbis (Gastropoda, Pubmonata). Hural R. I. — The results of study of variation in concentration of ions of heavy metals in populations of Planorbis planorbis (Linnaeus, 1758) during about 100 years are represented. For this purpose, freshwater snails from the own collection and the State Museum of Natural History (Lviv). Reliable differences in different metal ion accumulation is shown. The freshwater snails are convenient objects for studies of peculiarities of accumulation of ions of heavy metals in aquatic ecosystems.
Key words: freshwater snails, ions of heavy metals, bioindication.

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The First Find of the Tick Rhipicephalus turanicus (Parasitiformes, Ixodoidea) in Ukraine. Tovpinets N. N., Evstaf'ev I. L., Evstaf'ev A. I. — The ixodid tick Rhipicephalus turanicus Pomerantzev, 1940 is found in Crimea (Kerch Peninsula) for the first time and added to the list of Ukrainian fauna of ticks.
Key words: Ixodid ticks, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Crimea.

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On the Finds of the Cystacanth of the Southwellina hispida (Acanthocephala, Polymorphidae) is be Found in the Black Sea Folden Mullet Liza aurata. Belofastova I. P. — The cyst with cystacanth of Southwellina hispida (Van Cleave, 1925) Witenberg, 1932 was found in the body cavity of the Black Sea Golden Mullet (Liza aurata) for the first time. Original pictures and measurements are provided.
Key words: Acanthocephala, Polymorphidae, Southwellina hispida, Hemiechinosoma ponticum, Ukraine, Black Sea.

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A New Finds of Encyrtid-Wasps of the Tribe Quadrencyrtini (Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) in Ukraine. Simutnik S. A. — The monotypic genus Quadrencyrtus Hoffer, 1953 is found for the first time in Ukraine. A new locality of Eucoccidophagus breviventris (Kurdjumov, 1912) in Ukraine is pointed. The representatives of tribe Quadrencyrtini in Ukraine fauna are described. Aspects of morphology and systematics of the tribe are discussed.
Key words: Encyrtidae, Quadrencyrtini, Quadrencyrtus paradoxus, Eucoccidophagus breviventris, fauna, morphology, Ukraine.

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