Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 39, No. 6 (November-December, 2005)

Lectotypes for Tricolia pullus, Gibbula divaricata and Theodoxus fluviatilis (Mollusca, Gastropoda) Revisited. Anistratenko V. V. — During the recent faunal and taxonomic revisions of the Ukrainian marine and freshwater Gastropoda, the lectotypes for some of the species studied have been designated. As the relevant information was published in Russian, its accessibility for the international scientific community is limited. The present communication includes the detailed description of the lectotypes for Tricolia pullus, Gibbula divaricata and Theodoxus fluviatilis and additional taxonomic remarks on the species. All lectotype designations are based on black-white photographs of syntypes stored in the Linnaeus collection at the Linnean Society of London (Great Britain). Most important taxonomic characters such as size, outline, spire angle, apertural size, shape, etc. could be deduced from the figures.
Key words: Mollusca, Gastropoda, lectotype, Tricolia pullus, Gibbula divaricata, Theodoxus fluviatilis.

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Systematic Structure of the Planorbarius corneus s. l. Complex (Gastropoda, Pulmonata): Analysis of Allozyme Markers and Morphometric Traits. Mezhzherin S. V., Garbar D. ΐ., Garbar A. V. — Enzymes and structural proteins from the muscles (13 loci in total) of the four assumed species of pulmonary mollusks Planorbarius from the reservoirs in vicinity of Zhitomir, Sumy and Vilkovo were analyzed electrophoreticaly in polyacrylamide gels. Not only the absence of differences in allele frequencies pooled across the assumed species, but also strong correlation of the allele frequencies within populations are proved. As a result, the observed distribution of genotypes at Es-1 and Gpi loci in the samples pooled from Vilkovo and Zhitomir, composed of 3 and 4 assumed species, respectively, equaled the distribution expected in panmictic population. Therefore, our results, obtained by gene marking, unambiguously prove that P. corneus, P. banaticus, P. purpura and P. grandis are conspecific, and subdivision into sympatric species, based on conchological characters only is incorrect in this complex. A comparison of allozyme and morphological variation across the three geographic samples has shown that their isolation by distance is much greater than differentiation across the four assumed species. Furthermore, significance of the genetic differences of the mollusks collected in Sumy from those collected in Zhitomir and Vilkovo proves possible allospecific structure of P. corneus (Linnaeus, 1758) s. l.
Key words: systematics, mollusks, Planorbarius, biochemical gene marking.

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Experimental Infection of Mosquitoes with Dirofilaria repens (Nematoda, Filarioidea) Larvae. Kuzmin Yu., Varodi E., Vasylyk N., Kononko G. — Gravid females of three mosquito species: Anopheles maculipennis atroparvus, Culex pipiens molestus and Aedes aegypti, all from laboratory cultures, were experimentally infected with microfilaria of Dirofilaria repens from blood of a domestic dog from vicinity of Kyiv (Ukraine). Larval stages of the nematode successfully developed in all three vector species at room temperature 18–29°C. Microfilaria migrated from the stomach and intestine to the Malpighian tubules of mosquitoes during first three days post infection (pi). Quiescent first-stage larvae ("sausage stage") were first observed on day 4 pi; in some specimens of Ae. aegypti this stage remained in Malpighian tubules till day 21 pi (end of observations). Second stage larvae were observed from day 6 till day 19 pi. Third stage larvae were first observed in Malpighian tubules of all three mosquito species on day 10 pi; on days 14 and 16 pi they were first found in body cavity, salivary glands and proboscis. The following values of vector efficiency index were calculated for each mosquito species: 11.9% in A. maculipennis, 7.9% in Ae. aegypti and 1.9% in C. pipiens. General morphology of experimentally obtained D. repens larval stages is described. A. maculipennis atroparvus and C. pipiens molestus are supposed to participate in the D. repens transmission under natural conditions in Ukraine.
Key words: Dirofilaria repens, Filarioidea, development, vector, Anopheles maculipennis atroparvus, Culex pipiens molestus, Aedes aegypti, domestic dog.

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The Peculiarities of the Distribution of the Harbour Porpoise, Phocoena phocoena relicta (Cetacea), in the Black Sea. Mikhalev Yu. A. — Based on air-shooting and observation from the vessels (1970–90s), the distribution maps of harbour porpoise, Πhocoena phocoena relicta Abel, 1905 in the Black Sea during the spring-autumn period are provided and described. The opinion about the exclusively coastal distribution is refuted and their occurrence in the open waters is shown. The harbour porpoises are worse visible than other dolphins both from airplanes and vessels, that does not allow to judge about true percentage correlation of the three dolphin species occurring in the Black Sea. Several rather isolated herds (local populations) of the harbour porpoises are presumed to occur here: the Crimea-Caucasian, the southern-eastern, the northern-western and the southern-western population.
Key words: dolphins, harbour porpoise, distribution, Black Sea.

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New Data on Morphology of the Mediterranean (Kotschyi's) Gecko, Mediodactylus kotschyi danilewskii (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) in Crimea. Kukushkin O. V., Sharygin S. A. — For the first time, the morphological variability of the Mediterranean gecko Mediodactylus kotschyi danilewskii (Strauch, 1887) was studied in all parts of its range in the Crimean Peninsula, including the populations inhabiting natural landscapes. High level of intracpecific variability is revealed. Exoanthropic populations of the westernmost part of the Southern Crimean Coast between Balaklava and Cape Sarych are characterized by maximal peculiarity among all others. The similarity between synanthropic populations of the Geraklean Peninsula (Sevastopol) and the central sector of the Southern Coast (settlement Artek — Cape Aju-Dagh — settlement Karasan) probably results from their genetic relationship. Analysis of the variability in the population of Svyataya Mountain (the Karadagh Reserve, South-Eastern Crimean Coast), which was introduced from Khersones (Sevastopol) in 1980, shows that "the principle of founder" plays important role in the formation of morphological appearance of populations. Morphological variability of M. kotschyi in all Crimean populations lays within the range of variability of the subspecies M. k. danilewskii.
Key words: Mediodactylus kotschyi danilewskii, Crimea, morphological variability.

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Lymphatic Formation of the Alimentary Tube of Birds: its Characteristics and Biological Importance. Kovtun M. F., Kharchenko L. P. — Lymphatic tissue in the form of lymphocytes of different sizes, formed into follicles or diffused, is disposed along the alimentary tube within all the studied birds. There is a dependence between the quantity of lymphatic tissue in the alimentary tube and the type of nutrition with birds. The alimentary tube of herbivorous (pheasant) and omnivorous (rook) birds is the reachest with lymphatic tissue. The oesophagus glands are formed in the oesophagus of these birds; the solitary cells are observed in the ilium and jejunum, and there are Peyer's glands bordering the large intestine.
Key words: birds, alimentary tube, histology, lymphatic tissue, type of nutrition.

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Prorocentrum dentatum — New for the Black Sea Species of Dinoflagellata. Krakhmalnyy A. F. — New for the Black Sea dinoflagellate species Prorocentrum dentatum Stein was discovered in the plankton of Odessa Bay. The results of electronic microscope studies and figures are provided.
Key words: Prorocentrum dentatum, Dinoflagellata, microstructure of teka, plankton, species-invaders, Black Sea, Ukraine.

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Discribtion of the Female and Rediscription of the Male Centropages spinosus (Copepoda, Centropagidae). Shmeleva A. A. — A female Centropages spinosus Kriczagin, 1873 (Copepoda, Calanoida) is described from the Sevastopol bay. This species was described by N. Krichagin in 1873 based on a male found in Kerch Strait. Currently, C. spinosus is recorded from all parts of the Black Sea and in some seas of the Mediterranean basin as well as in the Caspian and Red Seas. C. spinosus is a stenotherm euryhaline species found in salinity and temperature range from 7 to 39‰ and from 14 to 31°Ρ, respectively.
Key words: Copepoda, Calanoida, Centropagidae, plankton, Black Sea.

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Trophical Connections of Diamond-Back Moths (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) of Ukraine. Kozhevnikova V. A. — For the first time a list of host plants of the diamond-back moth larvae occurring in Ukraine is given. Trophical connections of 36 species from 11 genera of these phytophagous moths are recorded
Key words: diamond-back moths, Plutellidae, phytophages, trophical connections.

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New Species of a Genus Diaphorus (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from Northern Caucasuses. Negrobov O. P., Maslova O. O. — New species Diaphorus pilitibius Negrobov et Maslova, sp. n. from Northern Caucasus is described. It fits near Diaphorus halteralis Loew, differing by having 4 strong setae on VIII abdominal segment, matt mesonotum, shape of the hypopygium adnexa and erect setae on the outer side of hindtibia.
Key words: Dolichopodidae, Diptera, new species, Northern Caucasus.

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Possible Mechanisms of Locomotor Modules Formation in Birds Evolution. Bogdanovich I. A. — Caudo-femoral muscles of some archosaurs (from literature) and recent birds are analysed in comparative and functional aspects. It is suggested that formation of birds hindlimbs functional module was not resulted from subdivision of bipedal dinosaurs ancestors common locomotor module to caudal and pelvic (just a locomotor) modules as noted in literature.
Key words: evolution, locomotor modules, birds.

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