Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 41, No. 3 (May-June, 2007)

The Evolution of Biocoenoses of the Periglacial Zone in Late Pleistocene Eastern Europe. Rekovets L. I., Nadachowski A. — Data on the fauna and phytocoenoses of the periglacial zone in the late Pleistocene are analyzed. Faunistic peculiarities, and the evolution of biocoenoses are characterized as naturally formed structures of the biome. These biocoenoses were specific as they are characterized by the living conditions of the species now inhabiting the tundra and steppe zones. It is shown that these biocoenoses were functional and dynamic ecosystems. These ecosystems had rich species diversity and specific character of evolutionary processes.
Key words: Pleistocene, evolution, biocoenoses, fauna, flora, Europe.

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The Helminth Fauna of Gobies (Gobiidae) of the Gulf of Odessa of the Black Sea. Kvach Yu. V. — In total, 10 helminth species are found in gobiids of the Gulf of Odessa. The trematodes Cryptocotyle concavum (Creplin), C. lingua (Creplin), nematode Dichelyne minutus (Rudolphi) and acanthocephalan Acanthocephaloides propinquus (Dujardin) are the most widespread species. Five parasite species infecting gobiids are confirmed to exist in the Gulf. Also 5 helminth species are recorded for the first time in the Gulf of Odessa fauna.
Key words: gobiids, helminths, Gulf of Odessa, Black Sea.

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Invasive Mollusks (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Gastropoda) in the Danube Delta. Son M. O. — Currently, seven species of non-indigenous mollusks occur in the Danube Delta: Corbicula fluminea O. F. Mu#ller, C. fluminalis O. F. Mu#ller and Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea) (main channel and branches of delta, floodplain lakes, freshened area of avandelta and lagoons), Dreissena bugensis Andrusov (Romanian part of the Danube Delta), Potamopyrgus jenkinsi (Smith) (paramarine Lake Razim, temporary reservoirs, estuary lake Ialpug), Physa skinneri (Taylor) (main channel and branches of delta, floodplain lakes, temporary reservoirs), Physa acuta (Draparnaud) (main channel and branches of delta, floodplain lakes). First specimens of Corbicula were found in the Danube Delta in 1995.
Key words: Danube, molluscs, alien species, Corbicula, Potamopyrgus.

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On the Occurrence of Abnormalities in Venation of Dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata). Dyatlova E. S. — The frequency of occurrence of wings abnormalities in the distant populations of Ñalopteryx splendens (Harris, 1782) is described. Odonata with abnormalities of the wing venation are recorded in the populations of abundant species Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas, 1771), Ischnura pumilio (Charpentier, 1825), Orthetrum brunneum (Fonscolombe, 1837), Aeshna mixta Latreille, 1805, Crocothemis erythraea (Brulle2, 1832) in the South-Western Ukraine. Abnormal wings are figured and described. Possible causes of the wing abnormalities are discussed.
Key words: Dragonflies (Odonata), wing’s venation, abnormalities, South-Western Ukraine.

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Morphological and Functional Adaptation of the Pike (Esox lucius) of the Lakes in the Tundra and Wood and Tundra of the Kola Peninsula. Berestovsky E. G., Yerokhina I. A. — The results of biological analysis of pikes Esox lucius L. from tundra and wood-and-tundra lakes of the Kola Peninsula are presented. Rate of body growth of fishes (especially young) was low. The annual growth of length of pikes at the age of (3+)-(7+) was 4–15 cm, then it decreased down to 2–5 cm in the majority of populations. The weight rate of body growth is also rather low. The fish has here usually minor value in the feeding of this predator, and more often their low ration is based on the Gammarus lacustris amphipodes make satiated with carotenoids, and this phenomenon may be connected to adaptation of energy metabolism and reproductive function for extreme living conditions. In the tundra lakes the majority of pikes has reddish meat, and the total carotenoids content in 2–3 times exceeds that one for fish in the wood-and-tundra lakes.
Key words: Esox lucius, pike, growth, age, feeding, carotenoids, Kola Peninsula.

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Correlation Between Spring Arrival Data of Birds and First Flowering Data of Plants in the Forest and Forest and Steppe Areas of Eastern Europe. Communication 2. Comparison of Significance of Influence. Fesenko H. V. — Significant correlations between the dates of spring arrival of birds and dates of first flowering of plants were revealed both for bird species feeding on plants and for some those preying only on invertebrates. It is caused by feeding behavior of the insectivorous birds using special ecological niches. In most cases, amounts of significant correlations are more in short-distance migrants than long-distance migrants in all the feeding groups of birds. This fact points to the prevailing influence of removing of birds wintering areas on frequency of significant correlations between the studied phenological events, in comparison with characteristics of their feed. Dates of spring arrival of short-distance migrants wintering north of winter tract of polar climate front are more synchronized with dates of first flowering of plants growing in the moderate latitudes of Europe than dates of spring arrival of long-distance migrants spending winter in south of the tract.
Key words: correlation, factor, flowering, short-distance and long-distance migrants, climate, Forest-Steppe and Forest zones, Eastern Europe.

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Shell Morphology, Distribution and Some Peculiarities of Ecology of Sinanodonta woodiana (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionidae) in the Reservoirs of Danube Delta. Pavlyuchenko O. V., Melnychenko R. K., Garbar A. V. — The new data on distribution and ecology of accidentally introduced Far Eastern mussels are presented. The data on morphometry of the shells from 4 localities, biotopical preferences of investigated populations, some of their quantitative characteristics, the results of parasitological investigation are given. The high level of morphological variability of the shells of Sinanodonta woodiana and relative distinction of the sample from the River of Repida river are represented.
Key words: Unionidae, Sinanodonta woodiana, morphometry, ecology, introduction, Ukraine.

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Structural Ñhanges in the Tissues of Intermediate and Definitive Hosts Infected with Protostrongylides. Kuchboev A. E., Azimov D. A., Golovanov V. I., Akramova F. D., Tukhtaev K. R. — The work reveals cellular and subcellular mechanisms of the reaction of tissues in intermediate (mollusks Xeropicta candacharica) and definitive (Ovis aries) hosts infected with Protostrongylidae helminths. The reaction of the tissue of intermediate host is manifested in the lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration of the infected areas, which is aimed at restriction of the damaging effect of this parasite, destruction and removal from the organism. The histologial study and electronic microscopy of the infected lungs revealed the activation of lymphocytic and monocytic-macrophage systems in the lung tissue. An intensive fibroblastic reaction of the parenchyma, which is aimed at the formation of the connective-tissue capsules around helminths and tissue zones of the infection, is noted.
Key words: Protostrongylidae, nematode, Xeropicta candacharica, Ovis aries, mollusk tissue, tissue of sheep lang.

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Morphometric Characteristic of Glandular Stomach and Gizzard of the Common Scoter Melanitta nigra (Aves, Laridae) Wintering on the Polish Baltic Coast. Dzia/la-Szczepan2czyk E. — The material for studies were stomachs of 52 individuals of the Common Scoter Melanitta nigra obtained in winter in western parts of Polish Baltic coast. Six parameters of stomachs were established: glandular stomach weight (GSW) and length (GSL), gizzard length (GL) and width (GWi), combined length of both stomachs (GGL), and four measurements describing the birds’ body size: body weight (BW) and length (BL), sternum length (SL) and tarsus length (TL). Dimorphic differences connected with the birds’ sex and age in concerning average values of stomachs parameters and indices of their relative size were examined. Relationships among values of the stomach parameters and relationships between the values of the stomach parameters and the measurements describing the bird body size were analysed. Despite clearly marked sexual dimorphism in the bird body size in favour of males, only in three parameters GWi, GW, GGL, and in the index GGL/SL (both stomach length in relation to sternum length) drakes achieved significantly higher values than ducks. Adult and immature birds, both in the group of males and females, did not differ in body size and most average values of the stomach parameters. Only in the group of females adult individuals were characterised with heavier gizzard than immature individuals, and adult individuals of both sexes had wider gizzard than immature individuals. Except GSL and GSW, remaining parameters of the stomachs positively correlated with at least two body parameters of the birds. A positive correlation for the relation of GL to BL, TL SL; GWi to BW, BL; GW to BW, BL; GGL to BW, TL, SL were shown. No relationship between GSL and gizzard measurements was noticed. But GSW was in a positive correlation with GWi and GW.
Key words: Common Scoter Melanitta nigra nigra, morphometry, glandular stomach (proventriculus) ventriculus glandularis, muscular stomach (gizzard, ventriculus), ventriculus muscularis.

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A Review of Mites of the Family Canestriniidae (Acari, Astigmata) Associated with the Leaf Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in Ukraine with Description of a New Species of the Genus Pseudamansia. Trach V. A., Khaustov A. A. — Three species of the mite family Canestriniidae (Acari, Astigmata) were found on leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) collected during 2000–2005 in Ukraine. Amansiella trilobata Khaustov et Eidelberg, 2001 and Paramansia bicornis Khaustov et Eidelberg, 2001 are new for the continental part of Ukraine. Chrysolina polita and C. fastuosa are new hosts for P. bicornis. Pseudamansia decorata Tratsch et Khaustov, sp. n. occuring on Timarcha goettingensis in Odessa and Vinnica regions is described and illustrated. P. decorata sp. n. females differ from P. chrysomelinus by distinctly shorter and stiffer setae d1 and c1.
Key words: Canestriniidae, Chrysomelidae, Ukraine, Pseudamansia, new species.

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Peculiarities of the Forewing Pattern of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae). Kozhevnikova V. A. — This paper describes 8 newly recorded variations of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus, 1788). Based on the analysis of the material in the collection of the Institute of zoology, NAS of Ukraine, eight variations and the typical form of the forewing pattern in the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus, 1788) (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) are described.
Key words: Plutellidae, Plutella xylostella, diamondback moth, forewing pattern, variations.

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The Tiger-Beetles and Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae, Carabidae) of the Lugansk Nature Reserve. Kirichenko M. B., Babko R. V., Foroshchuk V. P. — The literature data and results of own study of tiger-beetles and carabids of the Lugansk Nature Reserve are summarized. In this work are presented of 195 species (48 genera) from the families Carabidae and Cicindelidae. 94 species (31 ge¬nera and 2 families) were found in Stanychno-Luganske Section, 92 species (34 genera and 2 fa¬milies) — in the Striltsivskyi Steppe, 86 species (28 genera and 2 families) — in the Provalskyi Steppe. 46 species from 26 genera were found on the Luganskyi Nature Reserve, which are for the first time indicated for Nature Reserve of the Steppe Zone of the Livoberezhnoyi Ukraine.
Key words: Cicindelidae, Carabidae, Luganskyi Nature Reserve, Steppe, Ukraine.

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Once More About Origin of Birds and Flight: “Cursorial” or “Arboreal”? Bogdanovich I. A. — Despite the long-time history of studies of origin and early evolution of the birds, some issues remain open. One of them is the evolutional reasons for the hallux reversion in the bird foot. Some functional sequences of such hallux orientation and its possible importance in evolution of birds are shown. In our opinion, the functional universalism of the anisodactyl foot with well-developed, low placed and opposable hallux allows to unit, in certain sense, the theories of “arboreal” and “terrestrial” origin of birds and flight.
Key words: birds, flight, evolution.

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