Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 44, No. 3 (May-June, 2010)

Cryptic Biotypes of Earthworm Octolasion lacteum (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in Ukraine. Mezhzherin S. V., Onyschuk I. P., Garbar A. V., Zhalay E. I. —Biochemical gene marking of earthworm Octolasion lacteum Örley, 1885 (= tyrtaeum Savigny 1826) population with data on karyology and morphological variability helped to find out at least 19 cryptic biotypes at different genetical differentiation on the territory of Ukraine. In the northern and central parts of Ukraine two genetically polymorphic symbiotopic forms dominate. They make 90% of the investigate individuals and differ in fraction of nonspecific esterases. They are characterized with subtriploid set of chromosomes (2n + x = 38) and anomalous spermatogenesis going with chromosome number less than haploid and differ in size and some body proportions. Also on this territory mainly as rare individuals at least ten subtriploid, probably parthenogenetic, forms were found. In the south of Ukraine only clone forms with triploid (3n = 54), according to karyological analysis of earthworms in the Crimea, genome structure were found.
Key words: earthworms, Octolasion lacteum (= tyrtaeum), allozyme polymorphism, karyotypes, spermatogenesis, clones.

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Cricetids (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Upper Miocene of Egorovka locality. Sinitsa M. V. — As the result of analysis of material on fossil draft hamsters from Egorovka 1 and Egorovka 2 localities (Late Miocene, MN 12, southern Ukraine), two species of the family Cricetidae (Rodentia), Kowalskia sp. and Pseudocricetus orienteuropaeus W. Topachevski et Skorik, 1992 were recorded. Two morphological and dimensional Pseudocricetus groups of population status are shown to be pre-sent based on craniodental remains from Egorovka 1 and Egorovka 2. Upper incisors of Pseudocricetus are described for the first time. Taxonomical and ecological features of draft hamster fauna from those oryctocenoses are discussed.
Key words: Pseudocricetus, Kowalskia, Miocene, Turolian, MN 12, Ukraine.

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Morphology of the Inner Ear in Mammals with Different Ecological Peculiarities in Ontogeny. Solntseva G. N. — The inner ear is the first to form, as the core, phylogenetically most ancient formation of the peripheral auditory system both in phylogenesis and in ontogenesis. As the development of the inner ear continues, the other parts of the peripheral auditory system of different evolutionary age start to be formed, and the outer ear is the evolutionary youngest among them. All parts of the peripheral auditory system are multicomponent formations. As opposed to the outer and middle ears, which are characterized by different structural variations and a wide spectrum of adaptable transformations connected with the peculiarities of species ecology, the inner ear possesses a variety of functions in the repre-sentatives of different ecological groups and, therefore, keeps a similar structural organization. Usually, both in the cochlear and vestibular analyzers the topography, form and size of separate components vary. Basically, the anatomic formation of the structures of the inner ear finishes in the early prefetal period, while the cellular differentiation of the sensory epithelium of the cochlea, maculas and cristae in immature-born species continues up to the early stages of postnatal ontogenesis. In mature-born species (cetaceans, ungulates), the differentiation of the inner ear structures is complete by the moment of birth.
Key words: cochlea, vestibular apparatus, sacculus, utriculus, semicircular canals, utricular macula, saccular macula, crista ampullaris, receptor cells, organ of Corti.

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Seasonal Changes in Activity, Sex Composition and Areal of the Tick Ixodes ricinus (Acari, Ixodida) in the Landscape-Geographical Regions of Ukraine. Akimov I. A., Nebogatkin I. V. — Data on seasonal activity of adults, nymphs and larvae of the sheep tick Ixodes ricinus Linnaeus are presented based on examination of our own collections for the period from 1977 to 2001 and archival materials for the period from 1953 to 2000, as well as data on changes in its natural habitat that now covers the whole territory of Ukraine. The period of activity in I. ricinus imagoes becomes longer from north to south and from west to east. In Ukrainian populations of I. ricinus, females slightly dominate (on average 52.44 ± 0.55%). The seasonal differences in the sex ratio are as follows: males are more abundant in springtime, females — in autumn. Significantly larger numbers of females (on average 52–60%) are registered on population peaks, and larger numbers of males — on their decrease.
Key words: ticks, areal, natural habitat, seasonal activity, Ukraine.

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Chorion Structure of Diapause and Subitaneous Eggs of Four Diaptomid Copepods (Calanoida, Diaptomidae): SEM Observations. Samchyshyna L., Santer B. — Scanning electron microscopic examination of diapause eggs of freshwater Ńalanoida Hemidiaptomus amblyodon Marenzeller, Eudiaptomus vulgaris (Schmeil), Ĺ. graciloides (Lilljeborg) and subitaneous one s of E. gracilis (Sars) is described. The chorion surface ornamentation and number of coated layers are revealed. Diapause eggs have a thick (0.6–4.8 µ), at least two-layered chorion with patterned surface, whereas subitaneous eggs have a thin (0.13–0.25 µ), single-layered chorion with smooth surface. The mean number of eggs in egg sac, diameter of eggs and thickness of chorion were measured. The significance of the egg chorion thickness for diaptomid species inhabited temporary and/or permanent water-bodies is discussed.
Key words: diapause and subitaneous eggs, chorion structure, SEM, Diaptomidae.

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Life Cycle of the Trematode Notocotylus intestinalis (Digenea, Notocotylidae) under Natural Conditions in Primorye Region (Russia). Besprozvannykh V. V. — The redia, cercaria, adolescaria and adult trematodes Notocotylus intestinalis Tubangui, 1932 are described. It was established that under natural conditions of Primorye Region, the first intermediate hosts of this trematode are snails Parafossarulus manchouricus and P. spiridonovi. Adult worms were grown in the chicken.
Key words: Notocotylus intestinalis, cercaria, adolescaria, adult worms (marita), life cycle.

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The First Records of the Slugs Parmacella ibera and Deroceras subagreste (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) from Ukraine. Gural-Sverlova N. V., Martynov V. V., Gural R. I. — Two species of slugs previously unknown from the territory of Ukraine were collected on the territory of Crimean Peninsula in May 2006. P. ibera is first representative of the family Parmacellidae registered in Ukraine.
Key words: slugs, Parmacella, Deroceras, Crimea, Ukraine.

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Comparative Efficiency of Nanoparticles of Some Metals as Desinvasion Means. Voloshyna N. O. — In article results of comparison desinvasion efficiency nanopasts Ag, Cu, Mg, Zn, Suthat Sumer silver (Ag + Cu) on eggs Ascaris suum (Goeze, 1782) are stated. The interrelation between degree selective sedimintetion nnopasts and the period of disinfecting of eggs nematodes is established.
Key words: Ascaris suum, nanoparticles Ag, Cu, Mg, Zn, Sn, Cu + Ag, desinvasion efficiency.

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The First Eocene Species of the Genus Micrambe (Coleoptera, Clavicornia, Cryptophagidae). Lyubarsky G. Yu., Perkovsky E. E. — Based on a fossil specimen from the Late Eocene Rovno amber (Ukraine), Micrambe sarnensis Lyubarsky et Perkovsky, sp. n., the first Eocene species of this genus is described. The new species is similar to the extant Micrambe abietis (Paykull) and M. ulicis (Stephens), differing by having the callosity with an acutangular caudolateral corner.
Key words: Cryptophagidae, Micrambe, Late Eocene, Rovno amber.

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Podolian Population of European Wild Cat, Felis silvestris (Carnivora, Felidae), in Ukraine. Shkvyrya M. G. — Finds of the European Wild Cat, Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777, in Podillia are described. Twenty specimens of this species were found that shows expansion beyond the known area of dwelling. Also cats' dens are described.
Key words: European Wild Cat, Felis silvestris, Podillia, Ukraine.

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On Finding Dexamine thea (Amphipoda, Dexaminidae) in Ukrainian Territorial Waters (Crimea, Black Sea). Grintsov V. A. — Dexamine thea Boeck, 1861 (Amphipoda, Dexaminidae), the rare species never registered in the territorial waters of Ukraine, was first found in Laspi Bay, 40 km of Sevastopol (Crimea, Black Sea). 200 amphipods were examined and described. The pictures showing specific morphological characters are given. Sex and size structure of the community and characteristics of the biotope are discussed.
Key words: amphipods, exotic species, epibiota.

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