Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 46, No. 2 (March-April, 2012)

Wardium ponticum sp. n. (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Hymenolepidoidea), a Parasite of Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) from the Black Sea Coast. Êîrnyushin V. V., Georgiev B. B., Greben Î. B. — The new species Wardium ponticum Kornyushin, Georgiev et Greben, sp. n. (Aploparksidae Mayhew, 1925) parasitic in pratincole (Glareola pratincola Linnaeus, 1766) from Bulgaria and Ukraine is described. The species is characterized by 10 aploparaksoid hooks, 9–10 mm long, and clearly differs from all congeneric species by the shape and armament of the cirrus.
Key words: Glareola pratincola, Wardium ponticum sp. n., Cestoda Aploparaksidae, Bulgaria, Ukraine.

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New Gymnamoebae Species (Gymnamoebia) in the Fauna of Ukraine. Patsyuk M. K. — Information is given on new in the fauna of Ukraine gymnamoebae species: Saccamoeba stagnicola Page, 1974; Mayorella sp.; Korotnevella sp.; Paradermamoeba levis Smirnov et Goodkov, 1994; Paradermamoeba valamo Smirnov et Goodkov, 1993 and Stenamoeba stenopodia Smirnov, Nassonova, Chao et Cavalier-Smith, 2007.
Key words: fauna, Zhytomir Polissya, gymnamoebae.

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New and Formerly Unknown Ormyridae Species from the United Arab Emirates (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ja., Van Harten A. — Three new species (Ormyrus qurrayahi Zerova, sp. n., O. punctellus Zerova, sp. n. and O. novus Zerova, sp. n.) are described. Two first species belong to diffinis species group (female gaster without dorsal median keel). O. novus sp. n. belongs to orientalis species group (female gaster with dorsal median keel). In addition, two Palaearctic species of the genus Ormyrus are recorded from the United Arab Emirates for the first time. A key to Palaearctic Ormyrus species is provided.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Ormyridae, new species, United Arab Emirates.

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New to the Fauna of Ukraine Genus and Species of Aphidiid Wasps (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae). Kaliuzhna M. Î. — New to the fauna of Ukraine genus Protaphidius Ashmead, 1900 and species Protaphidius wissmannii (Ratzeburg, 1848) of the family Aphidiidae has been found. Information about this genus and species is provided.
Key words: Protaphidius, Protaphidius wissmannii, Aphidiidae, Ukraine, aphid parasitoids.

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A New Species of Baccharomyia (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) from Baccharis pseudomiryocephala (Asteraceae) in Brazil. Maia V. C., Carneiro M. A. A. — Baccharomyia magna Maia, sp. n., a gall midge (Lasiopteridi) that induces galls on Baccharis pseudomiryocephala (Asteraceae) is described and illustrated based on material from Minas Gerais, Brazil. A key to species is presented.
Key words: Diptera, Cecidomyiidae, Alycaulini, gall midge, Neotropical, new species, Baccharis.

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Cricetids (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Late Miocene Locality Palievo, Southern Ukraine. Sinitsa M. V. — The recently found Early Turolian (MN 11) locality Palievo (Odessa Region, Southern Ukraine) yielded two cricetid species. The most abundant is Kowalskia progressa Topachevski et Scorik, 1992, which is more primitive in its evolutionary grade than K. progressa from the localities Novoelizovetovka 2 and Maloye. The second taxon of cricetids is represented by the only specimen, an isolated m3. This tooth may be tentatively assigned to a member of the genus Stylocricetus Topachevski et Scorik, 1992. The undertaken detailed comparison of K. progressa and K. skofleki (Kordos, 1987) indicates the taxonomic validity of the former species and provides new evidence on the phylogenetic relationships within the genus. The faunal composition and earlier evolutionary stage of Kowalskia suggest somewhat older age of Palievo within the MN 11b as compared to Novoelizavetovka 2 and Maloye. The abundance of Kowalskia, as well as the lophocricetines (Zapodidae), and the presence of Stylocricetus, albeit scanty, indicate the dominating open habitats in the Early Turolian of Palievo.
Key words: Cricetidae, Kowalskia, Stylocricetus, Miocene, Turolian, MN 11, Eastern Europe, Ukraine.

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Intraurban Near-Water Areas and Their Role in Distribution of Ticks (Acari, Ixodidae) in Megalopolis the Example of Kyiv. Nebogatkin I. V. — In 2002–2009, we studied 12 islands within the city of Kyiv, and found four indigenous species of ticks (Dermacentor reticulatus Fabricius, 1794; Ixodes ricinus Linnaeus, 1758; I. apronophorus Schulze, 1924; Rhipicephalus rossicus Jakimov et Kohl-Jakimova, 1911) and one invasive species (Hyalomma marginatum Koch, 1844). For A–E-gradient, established by man’s impact degree, we revealed atypical distribution of species: their majority is noted in two pole areas — where the man impact is maximum and minimum. The investigated near-water areas are a kind of survival areas and sources of ixodides diversity in megalopolis.
Key words: ticks, islands, Kyiv.

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New Data on the Distribution and Reproduction of Terrestrial Gastropod Monaca fruticola (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Hygromiidae) under Laboratory Conditions. Ryabseva Yu. S. — New data on the distribution of the terrestrial gastropod Monacha fruticola (Krynicki, 1833) in some locations in Mykolaiv Region are presented. A few new locations of this snail are recorded in this region. Quantitative characteristics of egg set and brooded juveniles were obtained from the laboratory observations for the first time.
Key words: Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Monacha fruticola, reproduction, clutches (spawn), Ukraine.

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Distribution and Abundance of Moose, Alces alces (), in Ukraine at the Beginning of the XXI Century. Smagol V. M., Gavris G. G., Salganskii-jr. O. O. — In 2009 the number of moose (Alces alces, Linnaeus, 1758) in Ukraine was from 4600 to 4700 individuals. As compared with 70th of the XX century (population peak) the number of decreased by four times. At present the southern boundary of moose distribution crosses on the territory of the Forest-steppe zone and since 80th of the XX century its area has decreased by half. Recours of this species cover mainly the region of Polissia (50.6 % of population in Chernihiv and Zhytomyr Regions). Major decline of its number and area is the reason of necessity of hunt prohibition for moose in the next years in Ukraine. The received number of moose as a whole coincides with the statistical reporting form N 2–TP (hunting). This coincidence is defined by similar sources of the respondent information.
Key words: moose, number, distribution, Ukraine.

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The First Record of Henneguya alexeevi (Myxozoa, Myxobolidae) in Europe. Sokolov S. G., Shedko M. B., Protasova E. N., Reshetnikov A. N. — Specific parasite of the introduced fish Amur sleeper Perccottus glenii myxozoan Henneguya alexeevi Schulman, 1962 was recorded on the territory of Nizhniy Novgorod province, Russia. This is the first record of this parasite in Europe. Dimensions of spores H. alexeevi from Nizhny Novgorod province and Primorsky region (the native range of the parasite) are given. The data obtained clarify the morphological characteristics of spores of this myxozoans species.
Key words: Henneguya alexeevi, Perccottus glenii, Europe, adventive range.

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First Record of the Boreal-Arctic Marine Leech Mysidobdella borealis (Hirudinida, Piscicolidae) from the Southern Bay of Biscay. Utevsky S. Yu., Sorbe J. C. — Four individuals of the marine fish leech Mysidobdella borealis (Johansson,1898) were sampled from the mysids Schistomysis parkeri Norman, 1892 from the swash zone of Hendaye beach, France. This is the only known so far boreal-arctic piscicolid species occurring from the southern Bay of Biscay to the Kara Sea.
Key words: leeches, mysids, Mysidobdella borealis, Hendaye, parasitism, biogeography.

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Reassessment of the Spider Genus Clubiona (Aranei, Clubionidae). Mikhailov K. G. — The spider genus Clubiona Latreille, 1804 is reestablished in its traditional scope. Taxonomical characters of infrageneric groupings are discussed. Tribes within the Clubioninae sensu Wunderlich (2011) are not accepted. Diagnosis and short description of Clubiona s. l., as well as a provisional key to clubionid genera, are provided. The following synonymies are established: Epiclubiona Lohmander, 1945, syn. n.; Euryclubiona Lohmander, 1945, syn. n.; Gauroclubiona Lohmander, 1945, syn. n.; Heteroclubiona Lohmander, 1945, syn. n.; Hyloclubiona Lohmander, 1945 syn. n.; Microclubiona Lohmander, 1945, syn. n.; Porrhoclubiona Lohmander, 1945, syn. n.; Anaclubiona Ono, 2010, syn. n.; Breviclubiona Wunderlich, 2011, syn. n.; Marmorclubiona Wunderlich, 2011, syn. n. = Clubiona Latreille, 1804, s. l.
Key words: taxonomy, synonymy, infrageneric groupings, spiders, Clubiona.

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Morphological Characteristics of Male Genitalia in Some Species in the Genus Torymus (Torymidae, Hymenoptera). Klymenko S. I. — Morphology of male genitalia in some species in the genus Torymus Dalman is studied for the first time. In contrast to genitalia of Eurytomidae species, where this structure is highly species-specific, the structure of genitalia in Torymidae species show no distinct specific differences: phallobase in studied species is opened; most species have three hooks on digital sclerites with the small indents at their bases.
Key words: genitalia, phallobase, Torymus.

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