Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 46, No. 5 (September-October, 2012)

Rove Beetles of the Genera Agaricochara, Brachida, and Encephalus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) of Ukraine. Glotov S. V. — Three genera, Agaricochara Kraatz, 1856, Brachida Mulsant et Rey, 1871, and Encephalus Stephens, 1832 represented in Ukrainian fauna by one species each are reviewed. Detailed diagnoses and descriptions, peculiarities of biology and geographical distribution are given for each species fnd genera. New synonymy is established: Brachida exigua (Heer, 1839) = Brachida kraatzii Hochhuth, 1872 syn. n.
Key words: rove beetles Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, Agaricochara, Brachida, Encephalus, Ukraine.

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The Ground-Beetles of the Genus Amara (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Ukraine. Putchkov A. V. — Distribution of 56 species and subspecies of 8 subgenera of the genus Amara Bonelli, 1810 in 13 geographical regions of Ukraine is considered. The latitudinal and longitudinal changes of species composition are discussed. The bionomical and ecological data and key of Amara taxa (54 species and 6 subspecies) are provided.
Key word: Carabidae, Amara, Ukraine, distribution, ecology, key.

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Allocricetus and Ñricetulus (Cricetinae, Rodentia) at the Pleistocene of Ukraine. Stadnik Î. ². — Illustrated description of the fossil remains of Allocricetus and Ñricetulus species from the Pleistocene deposits of Ukraine and adjacent territories of Russia. They belong to three species: Allocricetus ehiki, Allocricetus bursae and Ñricetulus sp. ex gr. kipianii. The morphological comparison of the material with that from Central and West Europe is given. The temporal distribution of these species and their phylogenetic relations are discussed.
Key words: Cricetinae, Allocricetus, Cricetulus, Eopleistocene, Neopleistocene, Ukraine.

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Ecological Characteristics of Varroa destructor (Parasitiformes, Varroidae) and Its Environmental Capacity as a Key Factor for Development of Varroosis Panzootia. Akimov I. A., Korzh O. P. — By means of formalized schematic models of relationship with hosts the varroa mite uniqueness as a parasite is shown. The life cycle of this species requires the change of a host species at different stages of their development and physiological states. Thus the mite parasitizes not only a separate bee but a whole hive. The fact that the whole hive but not a single bee dies during varroosis development supports this idea. The impetus for this type of parasitism is the relative constancy of the environment in the hive supported by bees even in winter. Exactly this fact causes high pathogenicity of the varroa for the honey bee and its control complexity.
Key words: Varroa destructor, Apis mellifera, varroosis, carrying capacity, life cycle, development stage, environmental factors.

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Synanthropy of Bloodsucking Mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) under Conditions of Kyiv. Kilochitskaya N. P. — The 35 anthropophilic species are analyzed. The main tendancies of adaptations tending the transition of bloodsucking mosquito to synanthropic existence are considered. It is shown, that certain part of bloodsucking mosquitoes species inhabiting natural biocoenoses have been already adapted before the assimilation into the anthropogenic landscapes.
Key words: bloodsucking mosquitoes, Culicidae, synanthropy, Kyiv.

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Interrelations Between Different Forms of Group Variability of Quantitative Traits in Microtus socialis (Cricetidae, Mammalia) in the Peak Phase of Population Abundance. Peskov V. N., Sinyavskaya I. A., Emelyanov I. G. — The amount of input and the interrelation of various forms of group variability of quantitative traits in general morphological disparity of M. socialis in the peak phase of the population abundance was studied. It was found that the variability of 4 exterior and 11 interior traits are determined primarily by the age of the animals, whereas the influence of sex and the season is very low. With ageing, the intensity of sexual differences and seasonal variability increase. The correlated variability of morphological traits was almost the same (Rs = 0.820–0.98) in males and females during different seasons.
Key words: Microtus socialis, group variability, age variability, sexual differences, seasonal variation.

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Lake Frog, Pelophylax ridibundus (Amphibia, Anura), Olfactory Analyzer Peripheral Part Morphogenesis. Kovtun M. F., Stepanyuk Ya. V. — By means of light microscopy method the features of lake frog, Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771), basic olfactory epithelium were studied starting from the embryonal period till complete finishing of morphogenesis and transition to the land life. It is found, that during ontogeny frog nasal bags are differentiated into three parts. Besides the basic nasal cavity, which is covered by basic olfactory epithelium, during the period of metamorphosis additional cavities are created, namely medium and lower. Lake frog vomeronasal organ is located in the medial corner of the lower nasal cavity.
Key words: Amphibia, olfactory system, olfactory epithelium, vomeronasal organ.

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Polar Cartilages and Formation of Crista Sellaris in Grass Snake, Natrix natrix (Ophidia, Colubridae), Chondrocranium at the Early Stages of Embryogenesis. Sheverdyukova H. V. — The initial developmental stages of grass snake’s, Natrix natrix Linnaeus, 1758 chondrocranium are described. Three paired structures form the floor of N. natrix’s neurocranium: cranial trabeculae, polar cartilages, and parachordals. The primordiums of polar cartilages and their independent centers of chondrification are identified at the stage 26 of development for the first time for N. natrix and snakes in general. The participation of these structures in the formation of crista sellaris and carotid foramina is proved.
Key words: polar cartilage, crista sellaris, chondrocranium, embryonic development, carotid foramina, Natrix natrix.

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The First Finding of Paulinella chromatophora (Rhizaria, Euglyphida) in Ukraine. Kapustin D. A. — A ³testate amoeba, Paulinella chromatophora Lauterborn, 1895, is recorded for the first time in the fauna of Ukraine. It is illustrated under the light and scanning electron microscope and redescribed.
Key words: Paulinella chromatophora, testate amoebae, Polessian Nature Reserve.

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The First Record of Helobdella nuda (Hirudinida, Glossiphoniidae) in Lake Baikal. Kaygorodova I. A., Utevsky S. Yu. — By far, the leech species Helobdella nuda (Moore, 1924) was known from China and the Amur River basin. It is found to occur in shallow waters of Lake Baikal.
Key words: Lake Baikal, leeches, Glossiphoniidae, Helobdella nuda.

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First Records of Erigorgus Species (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Anomaloninae) from Ukraine. Nuzhna A. D. — Five species of the genus Erigorgus Forster: E. romani (Hellen), E. borealis (Hellen), E. femorator Aubert, E. villosus (Gravenhorst), E. lacertosus Atanasov are recorded from Ukraine for the first time. Previously unknown male of E. lacertosus Atanasov is described. E. villosus (Gravenhorst) is redescribed basing on additional characters not mentioned in original description.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Anomaloninae, Erigorgus, Ukraine.

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