Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 46, No. 6 (November-December, 2012)

The Parasite Fauna of the Gobiid Fish (Actinopterygii, Gobiidae) in the Sykhyi Lyman, Black Sea. Krasnovyd V., Kvach Yu., Drobiniak O. — The parasite fauna of gobiid fish of the Sukhyi Lyman, Black Sea, is described. Seventeen species of parasites are registered in the gobiids in the water body. The marine tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus has the richest parasite fauna (12 species), the grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus has the fewest number of parasite species (5 species). The microsporidian Loma sp. and ciliate Trichodina domerguei are recorded for the first time for gobiids in the north-western Black Sea. The core of the parasite fauna is formed by metacercariae Cryptocotyle spp. The core, secondary, satellite, and rare species in the parasite community of each host are described. Not only marine and brackish water parasites, but also limnetic species, namely metacercariae D. spathaceum, were registered in the Sukhyi Lyman that differentiates it from the many of localities in the north-western Black Sea.
Key words: Gobiids, Black Sea, parasites, parasite fauna.

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Terrestrial Mollusks (Gastropoda) of the Slovechansko-Ovrutsky Ridge (Zhytomyr Region, Northern Ukraine). Balashov I. — Thirty-five species of terrestrial mollusks were found in the Slovechansko-Ovrutsky ridge. Findings of Clausilia cruciata, Ruthenica filograna and Monachoides vicinus are especially interesting. Reproductive system of Morlina glabra is described. Problems of the conservation of terrestrial mollusks in the region are discussed.
Key words: terrestrial mollusks, Gastropoda, conservation, Slovechansko-Ovrutsky ridge, Ukraine.

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Iranian Thrips of the Family Aeolothripidae (Insecta, Thysanoptera), with Four Newly Recorded Species. Mirab-balou M., Chen X.-X. — The family Aeolothripidae (Thysanoptera, Terebrantia) included seventeen species in four genera from Iran. Here, four species are recorded from Iran for the first time: Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday, A. cursor Priesner, A. montivagus Priesner and A. gloriosus Bagnall. A checklist of all Iranian species of the family Aeolothripidae, with geographical distributions for each species is provided. New distribution records of eight species in Iran are reported.
Key words: Aeolothripidae, new records, distribution, Iran.

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Three New Species of the Genus Kisaura (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) from Indian Himalaya. Saini M. S., Pandher M. S., Ramamurthy V. V. — Kisaura malickyi sp. n., K. bhagati sp. n. from Uttarakhand, and K. kanchenjungaensis sp. n. from Sikkim are described and illustrated in this paper.
Key words: Trichoptera, Philopotamidae, Oriental Region, Himalayan region, India.

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Preliminary Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationships Among Palaearctic Simuliinae (Diptera, Simuliidae) Inferred from Morphological Characters. Sukhomlin K. B. — Phylogenetic relationships among the Palaearctic genera of the subfamily Simuliinae are analyzed based on the matrix of 100 morphological characters and 37 taxa, including 6 outgroups. Parsimonic analysis was resulted in 3 consensus trees (weighting based on CI, RI and RC indices) of slightly different topology, which show monophyly of the subfamily Simuliinae, tribes Stegopternini, Nevermanniini, Wilhelmiini and Simuliini, and a possible sister-group relationships between the latter two tribes. Tribe Ectemniini is apparently a paraphyletic formation. The analysis also supports transferring of the Stegopternini and Nevermanniini from Prosimuliinae to Simuliinae.
Key words: Palaearctic Region, blackflies, Simuliidae, Simuliinae, phylogenetic relationships.

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Interrelation Between Unionids and Their Epibionts in the Cooling Pond of the Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Plant (Ukraine). Sylayeva A. A., Protasov A. A., Morozovskaya I. A. — Paper deals with data on interrelation of mollusks of the family Unionidae and Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) and other epibiotic invertebrates in the cooling pond of the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant (Ukraine). The quantitative indices of unionids and Dreissena, inhabiting shells of the living Unionidae, size structure of populations, and morphometric indexes of the living Unionidae were analyzed. No significant negative impact of settlements of the zebra mussels on Unionidae was noted.
Key words: Unionidae, zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, epibionts, cooling pond, nuclear power plant.

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Взаимообусловленность процессов размножения и формирования рогов оленя Давида, Elaphurus davidianus (Mammalia, Artiodactyla), в условиях полувольного содержания на юге Украины. Стекленёв Е. П. — Изучены основные показатели прохождения биоритмов отдельных морфофизиологических процессов у оленя Давида (Elaphurus davidianus Milne-Edwards, 1866) при разведении его в условиях полувольного содержания на юге Украины. Установлено, что период гона и плодотворного спаривания у него происходит в конце мая — начале июня, рождения потомства — в конце марта — апреле при продолжительности беременности, равной 296,0 ± 2,26 суток. Интервал между отёлом самки и следующим спариванием составляет 1,5–2,5 месяца. Продолжительность нормального биологического цикла развития рогов у взрослых самцов составляет 350,66 ± 7,05 суток; их сбрасывание и начало роста новых рогов происходит в основном в зимний период (январь-февраль). Параллельно c развитием молодых рогов происходит активизация сперматогенеза, которая достигает максимума в мае-июне (период гона). У отдельных самцов имеет место двукратная смена рогов — осенняя (сбрасывание «основных» рогов) и зимняя (сбрасывание дополнительно сформированных рогов). Осеннее сбрасывание рогов обусловлено истощением самцов в период гона и заметным снижением активности сперматогенеза, зимнее — резким сокращением продолжительности светового дня, неблагоприятными климатическими условиями и прекращением сперматогенеза. Длительность основного периода развития рогов равна 260,16 ± 7,1 сут; дополнительного — 117,01 ± 5,15. Суммарная длительность обоих периодов развития рогов равна 377,16 ± 6,12 сут, что почти совпадает с таковой нормального биологического цикла (350,66 ± 7,05 сут).
Ключевые слова: олень Давида, Elaphurus davidianus, акклиматизация, биоритм, размножение, половая активность, спаривание, сперматогенез, рога.

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Song Repertoire of the Crimean Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs (Fringillidae), and Comparative Analysis of the Vocalization Features of F. c. solomkoi, F. c. coelebs and F. c. caucasica Subspecies. Tsvelykh A. N., Yablonovska-Grishchenko E. D. — Song repertoire of chaffinch F. c. solomkoi subspecies from Crimea was analyzed. We discerned 38 song types in Crimean chaffinches’ repertoire, 27 of them were more frequent. Comparing Crimean chaffinches’ songs with those of nominative subspecies from Eastern Europe showed no common songs. Comparison of individual song elements showed that songs of F. c. solomkoi consisted of 108 elements, of which 18 were distinctive to Crimean birds, 18 were specific to Crimean chaffinches and Carpa-thian F. c. coelebs population while absent in songs of chaffinches from Eastern Europe plains. Comparison of F. c. solomkoi songs with songs of Caucasian subspecies F. c. caucasica revealed no common types of songs. There are certain similarities in song structures between some Crimean chaffinches and hybrid popula-tion of F. c. caucasica and F. c. solomkoi from Northwest Caucasus. Other specifics of vocalization showed drastic differences in rain-call structures of all subspecies and no after-song “kit“ element for Caucasian sub-species.
Key words: Chaffinch, song, repertoire, vocalization, Crimea, sonogram, subspecies.

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Contribution to Knowledge of the Genus Apsectus (Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Trinodinae) Mexico and Neotropical Region. Hava J. — Apsectus kaliki sp. n. from Guyana is described, illustrated and compared with all the known Neotropical species of the genus Apsectus LeConte, 1854. Lectotypes are designated for Apsectus centralis Sharp, 1902 and Apsectus hystrix Sharp, 1902.
Key words: taxonomy, new species, lectotype designation, Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Trinodinae, Mexico, Neotropical Region.

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Reaction of the Cattle Organism to the Agents of Gastrointestinal Strongyidoses. Ovcharuk N. P., Soroka N. M. — Infection of cattle with intestinal strongylids and the hematological, biochemical, and immunological indices of the blood serum, as well as clinical signs of the disease in the infected animals were studied in 3 farms in Kyiv oblast. Esophagostomosis of high intensity was found to lead to decrease of erythrocyte number and hemoglobin volume (up to minimum 4 T/l and 50 g/l), and to increase of leucocytes, with eosinophilia (maximum 14 %, p < 0.01). Biochemical studies of the blood of infected animals revealed the decrease of general protein amount by 22.6 % and the decrease of albumins by 15.77 %; the glucose concentration decreased by 40 %, cholesterol – by 29.19 %; the general bilirubin amount was by 76.5 % higher (p < 0.01) compared with that in control. We observed intensification of the immune processes in the infected animals leading to the valid (p < 0.01) increase of immunoglobulins A, G, M in the blood serum. Changes in the blood indices of infected animals indicate the presence of inflammatory process and durable intoxication of them by the metabolites of parasites. The increase of body weight in the infected animals was 2.1 times slower than in uninfected ones.
Key words: cattle, esophagostomosis, bunostomosis, nematodirosis.

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