Zdun V. I., Kulakovskaya O. P. Parasitological Investigations in Western Parts of the Ukraine for the Years of the Soviet Power
Komarova T. I. Metacercaria of Digenetic Trematodas of the Benthic Anthropoda from the Basins of the Danube Delta
Sigareva D. D. On the Nematoda Fauna of Some Grasses and Legumes from Streletskaya Steppe
Frantsevich L. I., Domashevskaya EL, Olifir V. N. Differentiation of Statistical Characters of Visual Patterns by Honey-Bees
PaIij V. F. New Species of Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Halticinae from the Central Asia Subregion of the Palearctic. Communication II
Ermolenko V. M. New Desert Genus and Species of the Family Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) from the Mongolian People’s Republic
Anufriev G. A. New Species of Genus Edwardsiana (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the Primorye Area
Medvedev S. I. Description of Larva of Aethiessa inhumata Gory et Perch (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Petrusenko A. A., Petrusenko S. V. The Mediterranean Elements in the Carabidae (Coleoptera) Fauna of the Ukraine
Kozlo P. G. Ecological and Morphological Characteristics of Sus scrofa from the Belovezhskaya Virgin Forest
Abelentsev V. I., Kolyushev I.I., Krochko Yu. I., Tatarinov K. A. The Results of Chiroptera Ringing in the Ukrainian SSR for 1939—1967. Communication 1
Dmitrenko E. M. Siluroidei from the North-West Part of the Indian Ocean (a determinant). Communication 1
Pidoplichko I. G. A. A. Migulin — an Investigator of the Ukrainian Fauna
Voinstvensky M. A. Georgiy Petrovich Dementiev
Kasiyanenko V. G. Vladimir Vladimirovich Zelensky
Samosh V. M. In Memory of Iliya Ivanovich Kolyushev (1904—1967)
Galaka B. A. The First Scientific Conference on Development of Hunting Farm in the Ukrainian SSR
Fedorenko A. P. The Second All-Union Conference on Waterfowl
Galaka B. A. International Regional Conference on Preservation of Waterfowl Resources