Year 1973, No. 4 (July - August)

Semenov S. M. Some Problems of Biocenological Investigations, in the South of the Ukraine

Yushchenko A. K. New Classification of the Reserve Territories of the Ukrainian SSR and Protection of Animal World

Gizenko A. I., Shevchenko L. S. Promissing Character of Oryctolagus cuniculus L., 1758 Breeding in the Ukraine

Ivanov I. V., Tembotov A. K. New Data on Citellus pygmaeus Pall, from the Northern Caucasus

Ostrovsky A. I. Some Materials on Reproduction of the Carpathian Tetrao urogallus L.

Krivitsky I. A. Nesting of Corvidae in Steppe

Umanskaya A. S. New Finding of Urmiornis Mecq. Remains from the Neogene Deposits of the Ukraine

Ivanov N. M. Comparative Micromorphology of the Nerve Apparatus in Urinary Tracts of Vertebrates

Pavlov G. G. Histogenesis of Connective-Tissue Structures in Heart of Sus domesticus in the Process of Antenatal Development

Kotok V. S., Manzy S. F. On Functional Analysis of the Relative Length of Pelvic Limb Links in Some Mammals

Brodsky S. Ya. River Crustacea (Astacidae) of the Soviet Union

Shornikov E. I. Three New Species of the Propontocypris Genus from the Kurils Littoral

Emetz V. M., Kryzhanovskij O. L. Rieview of Species from the Subgenus Tarsostinus Motsch. of the Genus Cymindis (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the USSR

Mishchenko A. A. On Studying Entomofauna of Sands in the Krasnograd District of the Kharkov Region

Abdinbekova A. A. Zoogeographic Peculiarities of Braconidae (Hymenoptera) Fauna from Azerbaijan

Roshko G. M. Effect of Some Anthropic Factors on Formation of Hemipterocomplexes in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Brief Notes

Lyalyushko D. M. Night Orientation of Amphibians

Shcherbak G. I. On New Diagnostic Character of Mites from the Genus Dendrolaelaps Halbert, 1915

Criticism and Bibliography

Chebotarev R. S. Review on Book «History of Biology from the Ancient Times up to the Beginning of the XX Century» (edited by S. P. Mikulinsky)

Sokur I. T. Review on Book by G. Markova «Mammals»

Information and News Items

Korotkevich E. L. Ail-Union Symposium «Beringian Land and Its Significance for Development of Holarctic Floras and Faunas in Cenozoic»