Kistyakovsky À. Â. Ornithological Situation in the Reservoirs of the Dnieper Cascade during the Summer-Autumn Period (Exemplified by the Kiev Reservoir)
Tarasov M. P. On Distribution and Number of Mass Species of Oenanthe in Southern Transcaucasia
Slobodyan A. A. On the Problem of Ursus arctos L. Nutrition
Abelentsev V. I., Srevchenko L. S. Scientific Bases of Restoration of Lepus europaeus Pallas Reserves in the Ukraine and Their Exploitation
Korotkevich E. L. New Genus of Hollow-horned Ruminants from Middle Pliocene of the Eastern Europe
Manzy E. F., Mîãîz V. F. Static Role of the Thoracic Limb Muscles in Some Mammals
Pylypchuk O. Ya. Roentgenological Study of the Mobility of a Skeleton of the Lumbosacral Region in Certain Mammals
Khomenko B. G. Comparative-anatomical Analysis of the Structure and Innervation of Nasolabial Region in Certain Mammals and a Man
Delóamure E. L., Smirnov A. I. On the Problem on Taxonomic Status of the Crimean Gudgeons
Padchenko I. K. On the Development Cycle of Trichomonadidae Family
Petrusenko A. A., Petrusenko S. V. Concerning Entomogeographical Zonation of the Crimea on the Basis of Studying Carabidae Distribution
Atanasov A. Z. New Species and Identification Key of Paleoarctic Ichneumon Flies of the Genus Barylypa (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)
Dyadechko N. P., Tsibulskaya G. N. Frantsevich L. A. On Certain Biological Characteristics of Trichogramma cacoecia pallida Meyer from Mountain Orchards of the Crimea
Boshko G. V., Shevtsova N. P. On Hibernation of the Gadfly Larvae in the Ukrainian SSSR
Kozhevnikova Yu. Ya. Self-Recording Distance Device for Measuring Temperature and Moisture in Birds Nests
Evtushevsky N. N. Reasons of Ungulata Death in the Middle Dnieper Area
Korabel'nikov V. M. Age Dynamics of Red Blood Indexes in Clethrionomys Glareolus Schreb. and Apodemus flavicollis Melñh
Rudyshin M. P. Quantitative Characteristic of Microtus nivalis Matt. Nutrition in the Ukrainian Carpathians
Basarukin A. M., Borkin L. Ya. Hyla japonica (Gunther) (Anura, Hylidae) in Sakhalin
Manzy S. F., Polulyakh Yu. A. Pavel Alekseevich Koval'sky (on 70 Years of His Birth)
Matveenko S. A. Problem of Organic World Classification in Works by M. A. Maksimovich
Shpet G. I. Review on Book by V. I. Monchenko «Chelustnorotye tsyclopoobraznye. Tsyclopy (Cyclopidae)»
Sabinevsky Â. V. All-Union Conference on Birds Migration