Markevich A. P., Isêîv M. P., Pîgãebnjàk L. P., Boshkî G. V., Gushcha G. I. Main Trends of Parasitological Studies of the Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in the 10th Five-Year Plan
Akimov I. A., Starovir I. S. Structure of the Digestive System of Amblyseius andersoni Chant and Amblyseius reductus Wainstein (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae)
Brodskij S. J a. Crawfishes (Crustacea, Astacidae) of the Soviet Union
Mokrushov P. A., Francevich L. I. Visual Stimuli in Behaviour of Dragonflies. III. Choice of a Settling Place in Erythromma najas
Kolóbin V. A., Zelinsêaja L. M. Biological Grounds of the Porthetria dispar I. Amount Dynamics. II. Role of Sex Ratio
Brovdij V. M. Data on Ecology of Entomoscelis adonis Pall, in the Ukraine
Rubtsov I. A. New Species of Mermitides from Lake Zelenetskoe
Rossolimo O. L. Myomimus setzeri (Mammalia: Myoxidae), a New Species of Mouse-like Dormouse from Iran
Bakradze M. A. New Subspecies, Lacerta portschinskii nigrita ssp. n., from the Eastern Transcaucasia
Bogdanova G. O. Nutrition of Lacerta derjugini Nik. in the Krasnodar Territory
Rogatko I. V. Peculiarities of Changes in Hematological Indexes of Microtus oeconomus Pallas and M. transcaspicus Satunin. Communication I
Kogan Â. I., Antipîv J u. S. Growth and Formation of Fore-limb Skeleton in Inbred Mice and Rats under Conditions of Hypo-, Normo- and Hyperdynamia
Poltavchuk M. A. Pisces of Small Rivers in the Right-Bank Polesie of the Ukrainian SSR. Communication III. Species Composition of Fish Population in the Right-Bank Tributaries of the Lower Pripjat' and Middle Dnieper
Rusakov O. S. Comparative Analysis of Certain Methods for Determining the Age of Alces alces L
Kulakovskaja O. P. Parasitofauna of Umbra crameri Walbaum
Mamontova V. A., Doroshina L. P. On Spesific Belonging of Pemphigus fuscicornis Koch
KovaI' N. F. Data on Ecology of Lynx torquilla L. in the Gardens of the Middle Dnieper Area
Piljavskij B. R. Nutrition of Microtus subterraneus Selós-Lngñh. in the Highlands of the Soviet Carpathians
Samosh V. M. All-Union Conference on the Problem «Biological Grounds and Experiment of Prediction of Changes in the Number of Game Animals»