Medvedev S. I., Solodovnikova V. S., Gramma V. N. Some Peculiarities
of Insect Protection
Evtushevskij N. N. Some Results of Cervus nippon hortulorum
S w. Acclimatization in the Cherkassy Region
Mazhuga P. M. Structural Mechanisms of Cartilage Replacement
in the Developing Skeleton
Buãàñhinskij M. T. On Comparative Anatomy of Urinary Bladder
Lumen in Vertebrates
Bogdanîva M. I. On Possibility to Innervate Smooth-Muscular
Cells in Adrenal Gland of Some Animals by Intraorganic Neurons
Gorbanev A. F. Nesting of Suthora webbiana mandshurica in the
Lazovian Reservation
Sergeeva N. G. Free-living Nematode New for the Black Sea
Negrobov O. P. New Species of Genus Rhaphium M g. (Dolichopodidae
Diptera) of the USSR Fauna
Kozlov M. A., Kononova S. V. New Species of Egg Parasites from
the Subgenus Aholcus Êieffer, 1913 of Genus Telenomus Haliday, 1833 (Proctotrupoidea,
Scelionidae) from the Far East
Katjukha S. A. On Fauna of Click Beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridac)
of the South Sakhalin
Pavlichenko V. I., Shevchenko A. K., Stebljuk M. V. On Studying
Nutrition Spectrum of Gnat (Diptera, Simuliidae) Larvae
Popovich A. P. A Comparative-morphological Characteristic of
Genitals in Tabanus autumnalis and Hybomitra schineri from the Kharkov and Danube
Shcherbak G. I. Taxonomic Position of Certain Spccies of Mites
of Rhodocarus Îudemans, 1902 Genus (Parasitiformes, Gamasoidea)
Ivanov S. P. Procedures of Studying Apidae Nests
Nikolaev G. V., Kabakov O. N. New Genus and Species of the Pachydeminae
Subfamily (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Afghanistan
Dobosh I. G. Poecilimon affinis Friv. — a New Species of Grasshopper
for the USSR Fauna
Bajkova O. Ja. Description of Unknown Larva of Rhithrogena bajkovae
Sîwa (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) from the Amur Basin
II Congress of the Protozoologist Society