Berezkin A. G., Il’enko N. N., Kovtun M. F., Manzij S. F., Mel’nik Ê. P. On the Way of Creative Development of Evolutionary Morhphology (on the 25th Anniversary of the Evolutionary Morphology Department)
Bondarenko V. E., Shmidt Q. A., Shagaeva G. G., Baptidanova Ju. P. The Most Important Peculiarities of Camelus bactrianus Intrauterine Development
Prjadko V. P. Internal-Trunk Structure of Nerves in Genitals of Some Fur-Bearing Animals
Novikov Â. Â. Mechanisms of Seasonal Cyclicity in Bird Reproduction. Communication V: Mechanisms of Light Effect on Reproduction Function jn Birds
Loskot V. M. On Species Independence of Parus hyrcanus Sar. et Loud.
Kuz'menko V. Ja. Peculiarities of Whinchat and Stonechat Ecology Under Conditions of Drained Areas of the Middle Dnieper Territory
Minoranskij V. A. Some Data on Chilopoda (Myriopoda) from the Rostov Region
Victorov-Nabokov Î. V., Korneeva L. A., Kharchenko L. V., Malevannaja Z. A. Comparative Characteristic of Musca domestica L. and Calliphora vicina R. D. Hemolymph Cellular Composition
Kozlov M. A., Kononova S. V. New Species from the Telenomus Haliday, 1833 Genus (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) of the USSR Fauna
Fedorenko I. A., Volkov V. I. On Studying Bird Lice of the Philopterus Genus Parasitizing on Flycatchers
Kilochitskij P. Ja. On Studying Microsporidia, Parasites of Blood-Sucking Mosquitos in the South of the Ukraine
Djul'din A. A. Statistical Analysis of Size Structure of Soricidae (Insectivora)
Smirnov P. K. Observations on Ecology of Sicista tianschanika Salensky
Talposh V. S. On Nesting of Chlidonias hybrida Pal. in the West of the Ukrainian SSR
Belik V. P. Data on Settlement of Ring-Doves in the European Part of the USSR
Tuzovskij P. V. New Species of Water Mite from the Genus Atractides Koch., 1937 (Hyrobatidae, Acariformes)
Akimov I. A. Extracellular, Contact and Intracellular Digestion of Acaroid Mites
Pakhorukov N. M., Utochkin A. S. Four New for the USSR Spider (Aranei) Species from the Northern Urals
Markevich A. P. In Memory of Leonid Vladimirovich Reingard
Kryshtal A. F., Gushcha G. I. Review on Book: I. Z. Livshits, V. I. Mitrofanov. PlantInhibiting Mites
Kolesov L. V. All-Union Scientific School