Topachevsky V. A. Results, State and Prospects of Studies on Fossil Vertebrates in the Ukraine
Kolodochka L. A. New Species of the Crimean Mites-Phytoseiids (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae)
Kerzhner I. M., Puchkov P. V. On Synonymy and Distribution of Epidaus tuberosus Yang (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) in the USSR
Zhil’tsova L. A. Finding of the Second Species of the Genus Takagripopteryx (Plecoptera, Capniidae) in the USSR Territory
BazitovA. A., Kulakovskaya O. P., Shestakova K. A. Spermatogenesis in Biacetabulum appendiculatum (Szidat, 1937) Janiszewska, 1950 (Caryophyllidea, Cestoda)
Starovir I. S. Peculiarities of Digestive System Structure in Mites Amblyseius herbarius (Gamasoidea, Phytoseiidae)
Stadnichenko A. P. Some Morphological Regularities in the Growth of Orb Shells (Sphaeriidae, Bourg., 1883)
Poslavsky A. N. Some Ways of Birds Adaptation to Living Conditions in North Deserts During the Embryonic Period of Development
Popenko V. M. Peculiarities of Larks (Aves, Alaudidae) Distribution in Main Biotopes of the Left-Bank Steppe of the Ukraine
Tertyshnikov M. F., Logacheva L. P., Kutenkov A. P. On Distribution and Ecology of Rana macroenemis Bîul. in the Central Part of the Northern Caucasus
Kosminskv R. B., Guseva A. A., Talybov A. N., Avetisyan G. A. On Ecology of Amphipsylla rossica Wagn., 1912 (Ceratophyllidae, Siphonaptera)
Pavlova G. N. Changes in Tiger and Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Complex in the Southern Sheep's Fescue-Feather-Grass Steppe Caused by the Anthropogenic Factor
Lobanov N. V. An Experiment of Immobilization of Wild Ungulata in Askania-Nova
Koval'chuk A. A., Boshko E. G. On Using Oxypropyl Cellulose to Inhibit Protozoa Movements
Volkov V. I., Katsko V. I., Dolgikh A. M., Zarubina V. N. Myopus schisticolor Lill. (Rodentia) from the Myao-Chan Ridge and its Ectoparasites
Negrobov O. P., Grichanov I. Ya. New and Little Known Species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the South-West of the European Part of the USSR
Pupavkin D. M., Chernenko Yu. I. Trunk Pests of Siberian Larch in the South-West of the Taimir Peninsula
Tuzovsky P. V. The Larva of Momonia falcipalpis Halbert, 1906 (Acariformes, Mideopsidae)
Sergienko G. D. On Studying Oribatidae Fauna in the Forest-Steppe Areas of the Black-Sea Reservation
Skryabin V. A. On Studying Helminth Fauna in the Crimean Amphibians