Agarkov G. B., Gi1åviñh S. A. On the Problem of Chemoreeeption
in Dolphins)
Fedorenko I. A. New for Science Representatives of the Gallacanthus
Eiehler and Menacanthus Neumann (Mallophaga, Menoponidae) Genera
Rubtsov I. A., Polevik N. L. The First Finding of Neoapleclana
tabanivora (Nematoda, Steinernematidae) Parasitizing in Gad Flies
Sten'ko R. P. Peculiarities of Fauna of Trematoda Larvae—Parasites
of Freshwater Molluscs of the Crimea
Iskova N. I. Data on Trematoda Fauna of Turdidae of the Ukraine
Pavlinov I. Y a. On Morphology of the Tooth Corona in Gerbillinae
Korshunova L. A., Tumanov I. L. Morphological Peculiarities
of Aortie Arch in Some Representatives of the Mustelidae Family
Starovir I. S. Functional Histology of Intestinal Epithelium
in Amblyseius herharius (Gamasoidea, Phytoseiidae)
Nankinov D., Michev Ò., Kostova V., Ivanov Â., Penkov V. The
First Results of Ornithological Investigations at the "Rupite" Station
(South-Western Bulgaria)
Prisyazhnyuk V. E,. Yusupova I. U. Certain Biochemical Indices
of the Axis Deer Population State in the Black Sea Reservation
Kostilenko Y u. P., Kovalev E. V., Skripnikov N. S., Ustyansky
O. A. The Method for Obtaining Film Preparations and Obtaining of Semifine Slices
of Them
Klimov V. I. An Experiment of Labelling European Diving Beetles
of llie Genus Dyiiscus (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae)
Zaruba L. A. Studies of the Reaction of Somatochromic Neurons
in Motor Cortex of Rabbit Hemispheres for Hypo- and Hyperkinesia
Skorik A. F. An Attempt to Analyze Osteopathology Cases in Fossil
Korchinsky A. V. Seasonal Changes of Blood Serum Proteins in
Apoclemus agrarius Pall, and Apodemus flavicollis Melch
Dulitsky A. I. On the Periods of Nycialus leisleri Kuhl (Mammalia,
Chiroptera) Staying in the Crimea
Koval' N. F. Birds of the "Sofievka" Dendropark
Korzyukov A. I. Night Migrations of Birds Above the North-Western
Part of the Black Sea
Mel’niñhenko E. D., Panasenko N. A. On the Helminth Fauna of
Chiroptera in the Middle Dnieper Area
Ermolenko V. M., Kozak V. Ò. On Ecology of Nematus melanaspis
Hartig (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) under Conditions of Western Polessie of
the Ukrainian SSR
Belyshev B. F., Kharitonov A. Yu. On Distribution of the Genus
Orthetrum Newm. (Odonata, Libcllnlidae)
Shcherbak G. I., Kadite B. A. The New Species of Mite from the
Genus Rhodacarus (Gamasoidea, Rhodacaridae)
Ovander E. N. New Data on Rotifers of Ihe Genus Testudinella
(Rotatoria, Monimotrochida) in the Ukrainian SSR Fauna
Gurando E. V. The New for the USSR Fauna Species of Nematode
Neoditylenchus eremus (Ruhm, 1956) Meól, 1960 (Nematoda, Tylenchidae)
Il'ichev V. D. "Bionics. Biological Aspects" edited
by L. V. Reshod'ko
Topachevsky V. A., Pegeta V. P. "A Valuable Contribution
to the Solution of the Problem on Tetrapods Origin"