Mazhuga P. M. Factors of the Natural Environment Pollution and
Problems of Nature Protection
Topachevsky V. A., Skorik A. F. A Systematic Review of the Late
Miocene and Early Pliocene Rodents (Mammalia, Rodentia) of the North Black Sea
Aslanova S. M., Pronin V. G., Chkhikvadze V. M. Remains of Sea
Turtles from the Oligocene Deposits of Apsheron and Northern Ustyurt
Fedorenko I. À., Âel'skaóa G. S. Species of the Genus Penenirmus
(Mallophaga, Ischnocera) Parasitizing in Whinchats and Wheatears
Zhil'tsova L. A. On Studying Stqneflies of the Family Nemouridae
(Plecoptera) in Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands
Shcherbak G. I. Taxonomic Revision of Mites from the Family
Rhodacaridae Oudemans, 1902 (Parasitiformes, Gamasina)
Shmeleva A. A. Composition and Distribution of the Genus Calocalanus
(Copepoda, Calanoida) in the Indian Ocean
Palienko L. P., Monchenko V. I. Mesastasia mirabilis gen. et
sp. n. (Protozoa, Euglenoididae) — a New Parasite of Cyclops Gut
Steklenev E. P. Seasonal Changes in Reproductive Capacity of
Dama dama L. Acclimatized in the South of the Ukrainian SSR
Korchinsky A. V. Age Structure of the Transcarpathian Populations
of Apodemus agrarius Pallas and A. flavicollis Melchior
Krapivny A. P., Doroshenko E. M., Tkachenko E. D., Nadtochiy
G. S. Diurnal Rhythm of Some Birds Singing Activity in the Kharkov Region
Chaikovskaya A. V., Uskova E. Ò., Sytenko Ê. I. Peculiarities
of Protein Components in Mucous Membranes of Some Black Sea Fish Species
Zgerskaya L. P., Serebryakov V. V., Tsvelykh A. N. Application
of the Simple Optimal Instruments and Direction Finder for Determining Bird Flight
Antonenko L. A. Investigation of Microcirculatory Lumen of Antebrachium
Muscles in Some Vertebrates
Kovtun M. F. On the Problem of Appearance of Interdigital Membrane
in Chiroptera Philogenesis
Katsy G. D., Zubko V. N. Peculiarities in the Common Integument
Structure at Different Methods of Breeding Antilope
Ñàî Van Shung. An Experiment of Rats Extermination Applying
Water as Attractant
Shcherbak N. N. Golubev M. L. A New Subspecies of Phrynocephalus
rossikowi shammakowi ssp. n. (Reptilia, Sauria, Agamidae) from the Central KaraKum
Tarashchuk M. V. New and Slightly Known Species of Apterygota
for the Ukrainian SSR Fauna.
Starovir I. S. Morphology of Digestive System of Amblyseius
umbraticus (Gamasoidea, Phytoseiidae)
Pinchuk V. I. Planaria Species (Tricladida, Paludicola) in the
Dnieper Delta New for the USSR Fauna
Kilochitsky P. Ya, Bryginsky S. A. Finding of Lankesteria culicis
Ross (Sporozoa, Dyplocystidae) in Blood-Sucking Mosquito of the Ukraine
Samîsh V. M. Some Features of Muskrat Ecology in the Dnieprodzerzhinsk
Reservoir on the Dnieper