Ilienko N. N., Bogdanovich I. A. Morphofunctional Analysis ot Extraorgan Nerves in Mammal Thoracic Limb Joints
Sinenikov Ya. R., Samoilov N. G., Mikityuk A. N., Polyakov U. P. Functional Morphology of Nerve-Muscular Apparatus of Thoracic Limbs in Primates
Larionov G. P, Gcrmogenov N. I. Materials on Ecology of Emberiza aureola Pall, E. spodocephala Pall, and E. chrysophrus Pall (Aves, Emberizidae) from the Middle Lena Valley
Peklo A. M., Smogorzhevsky L. A. Materials on Nutrition of Muscicapidae (Passeriformes, Muscicapidae) from the South of the Soviet Far East
Boyarchuk V. P. On Nesting of Sturnus vulgaris L. in the Black Sea Reservation
Kulyanda S. S. By-Layer Distribution of Carabidae in Forest Ecosystems of the Western Podolia Area
Mukhin Yu. P. Behaviour of Apoidea (Insecta) on Flowers
Radzimovsky V. D. Cladocera (Crustacea) in Water Bodies of the Polessiari Reserve
Pavlinov I. Ya. Superspecies Groupings Cardiocraniinae Satunin (Mammalia, Dipodidae)
Emelyanov A. F. An Atternpt of Genus Telligometra Latr. (Homoptcra, Tettigometridae) Division into Subgenera
Zerova M. D. New Species of Genus Eurytoma Illiger (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eurytomidae) from the Steppe Zone of the USSR
Petrenko A. A. Species of Genus Staphylinus L. (Coleoptera, Staphyliuidae) of the Ukrainian Fauna
Kolodochka L. A. New Species of Mites-Phytoseiidae (Parasitiformes) of the USSR Fauna
Ivantsiv V. V. Molluscs of Family Unionidac (Mollusca, Lamellibranchia) in Water Bodies of the Lower Dnieper
Kornyushin A. V. On the Fauna of Landliving Molluscs of the Black Sea Reservation
Zhulidov A. V. On Concentration of Gastropods (Mollusca, Pulmonata) in Nettle Plots with Elevated Content of Certain Chemical Elements
Berest Z. L. Parasites and Carnivores of Brachycolus noxins Mordv. and Schizaphis graminum Rond. on Barley and Wheat Crops in Nikolaev and Odessa Regions
Dolin V. G., Atamuradov H. I. Two New Species of Click-Beetles (Coleoptera, Elatcridac) from Badkhyz (Southern Turkmenistan)
Fedorenko l. A., Kharambura Ya. I. A New Species of Genus Menacanthus Neumann (Mallophaga, Menoponidae)—a Parasite from Anthus spinoletta (L.)
Stepura G. S., Petrenko V. S. Laboratory Cultivation of Chilo tadzhihiellus Geras
Omelyuta V. P., Nadvornaya L. S. On Parasites of Pyrausta sticticalis L. (Lepidoptera, Pyraustidae) in the Ukraine
Nikitchenko N. T. Ecology of Ixodes trianguliceps B i r. Under Conditions of Middle Dnieper Area
Mczhzherin V. A., Balakhnin I. A., Mikhalevich O. A. The 2nd All Union Conference on Population Phenetics
Bromley G. F., Korotkov Yu. M., Shcherbak N. N. On Problems and Prospects of Studies in Hcrpetofauna of the Far East and Siberia