Manzy S. F. Development of Comparatively Morphological Researches at the Institute of Zoology of the Ukr. SSR Academy of Sciences
Rubtsov I. A. Andreeva R. V. Two New Mermithidae Species of the Pheromermis Genus (Nematoda, Mermithidae) from the Crimean Gadflies
Monchenko V. I. Rare and New for Science Cyclops from the Diacyclops languidoides s.l. (Crustacea, Copepoda) Group
Diyakonchuk L. A. New Gall Wasps Species of the Phanacis Foehster Genus (Hymenoptera, Cynipoidea) from the Centaurea Stems
Atamuradov H. I. New and Little Known for the Badkhyz Fauna Click Beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae)
Stadnichenko A. P. New Species of Fresh-Water Molluscs (Bivalvia, Cycladidae) of the USSR Fauna
Ovander E. N. Rotifers of the Lecane Genus (Rotatoria, Lecanidae) in the Ukrainian Fauna
Boshko E. G. Rotatoria in the Astacidae Gill Cavity from the Dnieper Basin
Sergienko G. D. Beetle Mites (Acariformes, Oribatei) from Oak Wood of the Central Forest Steppe of the Ukrainian SSR
Ryuntyu Yu. M., Solovieva G. I. Cuticle Micromorphology of Aporcelaimellus obtusicaudatus (Bastian, 1865) Altherr, 1968 (Nematoda, Dorylaimidae)
Ilienko N. N., Sopin L. V. Variability in Sizes of Incapsulated Receptors of Thorax Limb Joint in Mammals
Petrishchev Â. I. Linear-Weight Growth of Sus scrofa Embryos
Belopolsky L. O., Babaryka V. N., Smirnova L. V. Day-Light Activity in Some Sea Birds During Their Migration on the Georges Bank
Romasenko L. P. On Study of Nest-Building Bees-Megachilids (Apoidea, Megachilidae) from the Crimean Hunting Reservation
Palienko L. P. A New Species of Flagellates — Parastasia granulosa sp. n. (Protozoa, Euglenoididae) from the Cyclop Guts
Gornostaeva R. M. Culicoides grisescens flavus subsp. n. (Diptera Ceratopogonidae) — a New Subspecies of Biting Midges
Eremchenko V. K., Shcherbak N. N. Ablepharus lindbergi sp. n. (Reptilia, Sauria, Scincidae) from Afghanistan — a New Species of Snake-Eyed Lizard
Mishchenko Yu. V. A Supplement to the Fauna of Nesting Birds in the Soviet Kopetdugh
Makrushin A. V. Synanthropic Cladocera (Crustacea) in the Leningrad Region
Zabroda S. N. On Spreading and Distribution of Bufo calamita Laurenti in the Ukraine
Grechka E. O. Behaviour of Pollster gallicus L. (Vespidae) on the Nest in Rain