The Institute of Zoology of the Ukr.SSR Academy of Sciences in the Eleventh Five-Year Period
Nesin V. A. A New Vole Species Dolomys ondatroides sp. n. (Rodentia, Microtidae) from the Kotlovin Habitat
Santos Hose Antonio, Tarashchuk V. I. Birds from Forest Si.inds of the Cuba Central Regions
Kotenko Ò. I. Eremias argula deserti (Reptilia, Sauria) in the Ukraine. Communication 1
Khlopunov E. N. A New Species of the Genus Ooencyrtus Ashmead, 1900 (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) from the Middle Belt of the USSR European Part
Krivosheina N. P. Taxonomy of Fenestralis Group Species of the Genus Scenopinus Latr. (Diplera, Scenopinidae)
Klyuchko Z. F., Smetanin A. N. Owlets (Nocturdae, Lepidoplera) Irom the "Trostyanetz" Reservation
Mamontova V. A., Kolomoets T. P. A New Genus and Species of Aphid (Homoptera, Aphidinea, Peinphigidae) from Ihe Populus bolleana Lauch Roots
Gushcha G. I. Chiggers of the Genus Odontacarus: Rediscription of O. saxicolis Schluger, Hushcha et Kudrjaschowa, 1965 (Acariformes, Leeuwenhoekiidae)
Shchur L. E. Acaroid Mites from S'and Martin Nests of the Middle Dnieper and Sivash Areas
Lozan M. N., Lozan A. M. Structure of the Population as One of Bases of Wild Boar Rational Utilization
Zolotukhina S. I. Seasonal and Ecosystem Differences in the Content of Lipids in Social Vole
Ivanovsky V. V., Umanskaya A. S. Trophic Relations of Accipiter gentilis L. in Northern Byelorussia
Zabroda S. N., f lien êî E. P. Peculiarities of Reproduction and Larval Development of Pelobates fuscus (Laur.) from the Ukrainian Polessie
Îvander E. N. Seasonal Fluctuations of Rotifer Amount in One of Kiev Ponds
Zaetz V. A., Kalyuzhnaya T. A. On the Structure of Cutaneous Glands iri Certain Slow-Swimming Fishes
Kotlyarov O. N. On the Methods for Studying Age Changes in Rodent Skull Suture
Rubtsov I. A. A New Mermitide Species from Carabus sp.
Kabanov V. A. On Trophic Relations of the Tenchrionidae Field Species
Fedorenko I. A., Nikitchenko N. Ò., Kuzmenko V. Ya. Biting Lice (Mallophaga) of Certain Birds Ããîò the Middle Dnieper Area
Fedorenko A. P., Aleyeva L. V., Titoê V. A. Accumulation of Organophosphoric Pesticides in Warm-Blooded Animals after Chemical Treatment of Forests
Pupavkin D. M., Chernenko Yu. f. Fauna of Long-Horned Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Forest-Tundra of the Taimir Peninsula
Loparev S. A., Tsvelykh A. N. Finding of Melanistic Fndividuum of Lacerta viridis Laur
Gribakin F. G. L. I. Frantsevich. Space Visual Analysis in Insects
Sharpilo V. P. I. V. Merkusheva, A. F. Bobkova. Helminths of Domestic and Wild Animals in Byelorussia. A. Catalogue