Fedorenko A. P. Pesticides as a Factor in Natural Selection
Shchur L. E., Golovach G. P. Acaroidea from the Redbacked Vole Nests
Shcherbak G. I., Balan P. G. Gamasid Mites from the Sand Martin Nests of the Central Forest Steppe of the Ukrainian SSR
Dolin V. G. New Click-Beetle Species of the Genus Selatosomus (Coleoptera, Elateridae) from the Caucasus and Ghissar-Darwaz Mountains
Osychnyuk A. Z. New Middle Asian Bee Species of the Genus Andrena (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae)
Zaitsev A. I. New and Little Known Species of the Fungus Gnats (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea) from the USSR Fauna
Mishchenko Yu. V. On Taxonomic Relations of Parus major intermedins (Zarudny) with Tits of Adjoining Regions
Kovshar A. F., Levin A. S., Gubin Â. M. Brandt's Rosy Finch Nest Finds in the Tien-Shien
Topachevsky V A., Rekovets L. I. New Materials for Taxonomy and Evolution of Ellobius s.str. (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
Bondarenko D. A. Summer-Autumn Ecology of Phrynocephalus rossikowi
Peklo A. M. A Study in Feeding of Some Passeriform Birds of the Pamir-Alai Mountain Range
Dorogoy I. V. Materials to Biology of the Knot on the Wrangel Island
Lukhanin B. Ya. Anatomic Structure and Topography of the Bottle-Nosed Dolphin Stomach
Gulo V. L., Veselovsky M. V., Morozova N. N. Nervus Vagus Course and Branching on Stomach Cameras in Black Sea Dolphins
Kilochitsky P. Ya., Georgiyeva E. K. A Discovery of Cicrosporidia in Blood-Sucking Mosquitoes in Kareliya
Savchenko E. N. A Contribution to the Taxonomy and Synonymy of the Stone Fly Species, Limnophila posthabita and L. tetrasticta (Diptera, Limoniidae)
Ametov M. Materials to the Black Headed Wagtail Ecology in the Amu-Darya Lower Streams
Khomatov V. Kh. A Special Type of the Brain Vessel Structure in Some Carnivores