Mezhzherin V. A., Emelyanov I. G., Mikhalevich O. A. Aspects of Modem Ecology and Principal Trends of the Mammal Ecology Development in the Ukraine
Kozlov M. A., Kononova S. V. A Review of the Genera Triteleia and Calliscelio (Proctotrupoidea, Scelionidae)
Kljutshko Z. F. Phylogeny of the Plusiinae Noctuid Moths (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Communication 2. Relationships of the Palearctic Genera
Nekrutenko Yu. P. New Blue Butterfly Taxa (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from Transcaucasia and Middle Asia
Sevastianov V. D., Abo-Korah S. M. New Mite Species of the Cohort Tarsonemina (Trombidiformes) from Agrocoenoses of Egypt
Dotsenko I. B. A Revision of the Genus Eirenis (Reptilia, Colubridae). Communication 1. Resurrection of the Genus Pseudocyclophis Boettger, 1888
Shuvalikov V. B. Inversion Polymorphism Stability in Anopheles messae Populations of the South-Western Part of its Range
Yaroshenko V. A. Ecologo-Faunistic Affinities of the Cryptocephalinae Beetles (Chrysomelidae) of the North Caucasus
Bakhtadze G. B., Kazakov B. A. Comparative Analysis of the Nesting Sites of Blue-Headed Wagtails: Motacilla flava, M. feldegg and M. lutea in the Southern European Part of the USSR
Panov G. M. Beaver Range and Population Changes in the Ukrainian Polesye Area
Agajev B. I. A New Click-Beetle Genus (Coleoptera, Elateridae)
Negrobov O. P., Fursov V. N. New Data on the Systematics of the Genus Rhaphium (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
Zhdanova T. G. Hatching Sites of the Biting Midges in of North-Western Black Sch Arcs
Ivanishchuk P. P. Karyotypes of Gad Flies Hybomitra erberi and H. peculiaris (Diptera, Tabanidae)
Mitrofanov V. I., Sharonov A. A. A Description of the Tetranycopsis horridus Male (Acariformes, Bryobiidae)
Tertyshnikov M. F., Gorovaya V. I. On Distribution and Biology of Triturus vittatus ophryticus in the Northern Caucasus
Yeremchenko V. K., Shukurov E. F., Shcherbak N. N. Eremias buechneri (Reptilia, Sauria) — A New Species for the USSR Fauna
Tarashchuk S. V. Vipera ursinii in the Right Bank Steppe of the Ukraine
Zubko V. N. Ecology of the Swan Nesting Life in Askania-Nova
Nikolsky I. D. The Role of Sound Signals in the Sandwich Tern Behaviour
Kireyeva I. M. The third Ail-Union Conference on Population Phenetics