Bodnarchuk L. I. The Ways of Protection and Efficient Use of
Pollinating Insects in the Ukraine
Parukhin A. M. Peculiarities of Nototheniid Fish Helminth Fauna
in Subarctic Sector of Indian Ocean
Korniushin V. V., Sharpilo L. D. A New Genus of Taeniidae (Cestoda)
— Parasites of Mustelidae
Zerova M. D., Seregina L. Ya., TSYBULSKY A. I. On Systematic
Position and Host-Parasite Relationships of Dibrachys cavus (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae).
Communication II
Kotenko A. G. New and Little-Known Species of the Genus Apanteles
(Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
Sergienko G. D. On the Found of Steganacarus (Sieganacarus)
brevipilus in the Ukrainian SSR Territory
Pridatko V. I., Lutsyuk Î. B. Bird Fauna of the Herald Island
(Chukotsk Sea)
Zagorodnyuk I. V., Teslenko S. V. Sibling Specics of the Microtus
arvalis Superspecies in the Ukraine. Communication I. Distribution of Microtus
Kochev V. A. Specific Criteria of Mi Molars in Microtus agrestis,
M. arvalis, M. oeconomus, M. gregalis, M. tniddendorfi, M. hyperboreus
Emelyanov I. G., Mezhzherin V. A., Mikhalevich O. A. Methods
of Integrated Organisms Evaluation
Mordvinov Yu. E. Morphological Peculiarities of Locomotory Organ
and Body in Loggerhead and European Pond Tortoise
Slesarenko N. A. Structural-Functional Characteristics of Joint
Cartilage in Some Mustelidae
Martin M. O. New Genera of Pyraustidae (Lepidoptera) of West
Radchenko A. G. Lasius meridionalis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
in the USSR Fauna
Zubko V. N. Nesting Life of Ruddy Sheldrake in Askania-Nova
Bozhansky A. T., K.Udryavtsev S. V. An Experience of Caucasian
Viper Breeding in Captivity
Kuznetsov G. T. A Method of Checking of Some Animal Groups within
the Limited Territory
Dvoinos G. M. Parasitocoenological Coordinating Symposium in