Year 1987, No. 2 (March - April)

Fauna and Systematics

Moroz T. G. Oligochaeta of the Black Sea Area Estuaries

Piskunov V. I. A Review of the Genus Neofriseria (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) with Description of a New Species from Turkmen SSR

Gorbunov O. G. A New Species of Chamaesphecia (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Talysh

Mamaev Â. M. Dipterous Insects of the Family Mycetobiidae of the USSR Fauna

Hushcha G. J., Kharadov A. V. Two New Species of the Genus Hoffmannina (Acariformes, Trombiculidae) from Kirghizia

Sergienko G. D. Macropylina (Oribatei) of the Fauna of the Ukraine


Vekhov N. V. Invasion of Epibiont Vorticellid Infusoria of External Covers in Cladoceran Crustacea of Tundra Water Bodies

Andreeva R. V. Living Forms of the Edaphobiont Gadfly Larvae and Their Distribution


Stenko R. P. Sensory Apparatus of Two Cercaria Species of the Genus Microphallus (Trematoda, Microphallidae)

Dolinskaya I. V. External Morphology of the Notodontid Moth Eggs (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae) of the USSR Fauna. Communication 2

Gorgol V. T., Yastrebtsov A. V. Muscular System of the Mite Cheyletus eruditus (Trombidiformes, Cheyletidae)

Kaplunova O. A. On Peculiarities of Extra- and Intraorganic Kidney Blood Vessels Architectonics in Some Vertebrates

Sokolov V. V. Dependence of Cardial Valves Angioarchitectonics on Degree of Adaptation to the Water Environment in Mammals

Short Communications

Spassky A. A., Kornyushin V. V. A New Species of the Genus Markewitschitaenia (Cestoda, Linstowioidea)

Nekrutenko Yu. P. A New Genus of the Subfamily Lethinae (Lepidoptera, Satyridae)

Frolov V. E. On Tetrascincus scincus Reproduction Under Captivity