Dekhtyar M. N. New Nematodes for the Dnieper Fauna. Communication 2
Ivanova E. S., Pham Van Luc. Synoecnema tuliemense sp. n. (Nematode, Ungellidae) from the Earthworms of Viet-Nam
Mironov V. G. New Eupithecia Species (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from Middle Asia and Mongolia
Zaitsev I. A Review of the Genus Zygornyia (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) Species of the USSR Fauna, with Description of Two New Species
Sevastianov V. D., Zahida Al Douri. New Mite Species of the Genus Bakerdania (Trombidiformes, Pygmephoridae)
Kuryshev S. V. Comparative Analysis of the Genetic Similarity Indices in Populations of Northern Redbacked and Large-Toothed Redbacked Voles
Baidashnikov A. A. Rare Terrestrial Mollusks of the Ukrainian Carpathians and Ways of Their Protection
Zolotov V. V. Insect Phototropism Under Closed Management System for Lighting Intensity
Radchenko A. G. Peculiarities of the Feeding Area Usage in Tapinoma kinburni (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Olifer V. N. Temperature and Vitality in Osmia rufa
Kotenko ̉. I. Growth and Ecdysis in Vipera ursini
Belopolsky L. O. New Data on Sulidae Distribution and Feeding Along Migration Routes in the Tropical Eastern Part of the Pacific
Gorb S. N. Functional Morphology of the «Hinge» System in Dragonflies
Sych V. F. On Modification of the musculus flexor hallucis brevis in Birds
Gilevich S. A. Lingual Nerves in Dolphins
Ivantsiv V. V. Chetal Apparatus in Earthworms (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) and its Use in Diagnostics of the Species Group Taxa
Pinchuk V. I. An Addition to the Mysidacean Fauna (Crustacea) of the Black Sea Reserve Aquatory
Mamontova V. A., Dragan G. I. Peculiarities of the Adelges laricis Life Cycle in the Ukraine
Komarov E. V. A New and a Little-Known Species of the Genus Microlestes (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the USSR Fauna
Golovach G. P. Phenological Peculiarities of the Predaceous Mite Anistis and Its Rearing Under Laboratory Conditions