Baidashnikov A. A. On Specific Divergence in Mullusks of the
Genus Mentissa (Gastropoda, Clausilildae)
Efetov K. A. A New Species of the Genus Adscita (Lepidoptera,
Zygaenidae) from the Middle Asia
Puchkov A. V. Larvae of the Cicindellid Beetle Subgenera Lophyridia,
Eugrapha, Gylindera (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the South Western European Part
of the USSR
Mamaev Â. M., Berest Z. L. New Species of Cecidomyiidae Flies
(Diptera) from Carpathian and'Transcarpathian Area. Communication 1. Genus Aprionus
Verves Yu. G. A System of the Subfamily Paramacronychiinae (Diptera,
Zabludovskaya S. A. Mites of the Genus Yunkeracarus (Acariformes,
Gastronyssidae) — Parasites of the Nasal Cavity of Rodents
Dorogoy I. V. Ornitological Finds in the West Chukotka
Emelyanov I. G., Zhezherin I. V. Diagnostics of the Lesser and
Bicolored White-Toothed Shrews (Soricidae)
Shevchenko L. S., Borisovets Â. E. Intraspecific Structure of
the Carnivorous Mammals of the USSR European Part (With the Use of Multidimensional
Analysis). Communication 2. The Red Fox
Peskov V. N. Comparative Study of the Morphofunctional Constitution
of the Skull in Mammalin systematics
Vinogradov A. V., Rytova Ì. Yu. On Bryozoan Statoblasts in the
Mid-Volga Basin Plankton
Gayevskaya A. V. Lepidopedon elongatum (Trematoda, Leporeadiiade)
— an Erroneously Identified Parasite of the Black Sea Scomber
Anistratenko V. V. Mollusks of the Family Truncatellidae (Gastropoda,
Pectinibranchia) of the Black and Azov Seas
Zakharenko A. V. Rare and Endangeres Neuropterans (Insecta)
of the USSR Fauna
Mandrytza S. A. A New Species of the Genus Inimicus (Pisces,
Synenceiidae) from the South-West Pacific
Vashetko E. V., Sartayeva Kh. M. Ecology of the Green Toad in
Fergana Valley
Golovushkin I. M., Sipova M. A. A Contribution to the Bird fauna
of the Dahurian Steppe
Zhila S. N. Black Stork Distribution in the Ukraine
Grishchenko V. N., Gaber N. A. An Analysis of the White Stork
Mortality Causes in the Ukraine
Smogorzhevsky L. A., Smogorzhevskaya L. I. How to Protect the
Hollow Nesting Birds from Destroying by Dormices
Bezrodny S. I. On Methods of Dormices Capture
Sneshkus E. T. Labelling and Individial Markers for European
Pond Turtle