Volume 34, Nos. 1-2 (January-April, 2000)

KALUEFF A. V. Mechanisms of Animal Self-Destructive Behaviour and its Classification ... 3-10

Fauna and Systematics

YAKOVENKO N. S. New for the Fauna of Ukraine Rotifers (Rotifera, Bdelloidea) of Adinetidae and Habrotrochidae Families ... 11-19

GORDEEVA E. V., GRISHINA L. G. Additions to Descriptions of the Oribatid Mites of the Genus Tetroppia (Acari, Oribatei, Oppiidae) from Siberia ... 21-30

KONONOVA S. V. A New Palaearctic Genus and Species of the Scelionidae (Hymenoptera) ... 31-40


KIRITSHUK G. E. Shell Pores in Molluscs of the Superfamily Pisidioidea (Mollusca, Bivalvia) ... 41-47

MORDVINOV Yu. E. Energy Expenditures in Some Species of Birds at the Underwater Swimming and their Comparative Estimatiom ... 49-54


MOROZ N. S. Influence of Some Abiotic Factors on a Survival Rate and Productivity of Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) at Feeding on an Artificial Diet ... 55-62

NOVITSKY R. A., ZHYKOV A. V. Differentiation Inside a Population of Volga Zander Stizostedion volgensis from the Dneprovskoye Reservoir ... 63-67

Short Communications

TKACH V. V. First Finding of Bat Parasite Pycnoporus macrolaimus (Digenea, Lecithodendriidae) in the Ukraine ... 71-73

SERGIENKO G. D. New Oribatid Mite Species (Archoribatida, Phthiracaridea) from Ukraine ... 75-76

KHAUSTOV A. A. Mites of the Genus Elattoma (Acariformes, Pygmephoridae) from Crimea and North-West Russia ... 77-83

MELNYCHENKO R. K. The comparative karyological analysis of two species of the genus Unio (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionidae) ... 85-88

PARKHOMENKO A. V. A Description of the Third-instar Larva of the Burying Beetle Nicrophorus sepultor (Coleoptera, Silphidae) ... 89-92

KIRICHENKO M. B. On Fauna of the Ground-Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Floodland Habitats of Polesye Area, East European Plain ... 93-101

ПЕРКОВСКИЙ Е. Э., КРИВОМАЗ Т. И. Особенности миксомицетофагии жуков-лейодид подродов Cyphoceble и Neoceble рода Agathidium (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) ... 103-108

KUZMIN YU. I. Morphology of Parasitic and Free-living Adults of Rhabdias rubrovenosa (Nematoda, Rhabdiasidae) ... 109-114

САЛАМАТИН Р. В., СВИДЕРСКИЙ З. П., ТКАЧ В. В. Ультраструктурное строение протонефридиев Dilepis undula (Cestoda, Dilepididae) ... 115-118

KUZMENKO L. P. Bird Communities of the Made-man Landscapes in the North-lasteen Part of Ukraine ... 119-121

MATSYURA A. V. The Status of the Population of Great Black-headed Gull (Larus ichthyaetus) in the Sivash ... 123-124

ROZHENKO N. V., VOLOKH A. M. Appearance of the Golden Jackal (Canіs aureus) іn the South of Ukraіne ... 125-129


BOBKOVA O. A. Ectoparasite fauna of bats hibernated in the caves of Podolian part of Dnister region ... 20

PETRUSHENKO Ya. V. Record of Plecotus austriacus in Podolia ... 20

SPASSKY A. A., BUGA V. L. On the Ability of Some Higher Cestodes to Reach to Maturity in the Organism of Coldblooded and Warmblooded Vertebrates ... 48

TKACHUK Yu. B. Some Aspects on Ecology of the Bear in the Bucovina ... 74

ANTONETS N. V., BARSOV V. A. The Red Data Book Insects in the Dnipro-Orel' Natural Reserve ... 84

БИДЗИЛЯ А. В. Два новых синонима Палеарктических выемчатокрылых молей (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) ... 102

New books

DOLINSKAJA I., PLJUSHCH I. Review of the Book "Bombycoidea Lepidoptera and Notodontidae of Siberia and Russian Far East". V. V. ISERSKIJ ... 120

List of the New Taxon Names and New (Replesement) Names Pablished in Vestnik Zoologii in 1998 ... 122