Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 38, No. 6 (November-December, 2004)

Taxonomical Structure of Bryozoans Phylactolaemata. Vinogradov A. V. — The Phylactolaemata are known for science during 250 years. But up to the present it is unknown, what taxonomic rank has this group and what is the taxonomic structure of them. Now most part of investigators are considering Phylactolaemata as a class or superclass. The status of them is increased up to the superclass in Bryozoa. The type of Tentaculata which included Bryozoa, Phoronida and Brachiopoda classes is has to be considered as archaism. The Phylactolaemata class may be divide on three orders (2 of them are new). The systematics of family level is worked out better, but the process of picking out of them is continued. The genera systematics is having but it does not be accepted and it is verifying now. The describing of new genera is continued and validity of earlier synonymized is prooved. The main problem is consisted in the revealing genera features. At the present the best genera feature is morphometrical correlations of statoblasts and ultramicrosculpture of their surface. The real subspecies both the modern and the fossil at the present in Phylactolaemata are unknown. This taxon demands of establishing of certain criteria. Some setting earlier subspecies of several species Fredericella genus now is understanding as good species. So it has to be recognized that the revision of Phylactolaemata group is really actual. So it has to be recognized that the revision of Phylactolaemata group is really actual. New taxons: Phoronidomorpha superphylum n., Phylactolaemata phylum n. (consists of 3 orders — Fredericellida Hyatt, 1868; Plumatellida Allman, 1856; Lophopodida Jullien, 1891), Hyalinellidae fam. n., Leptoblastella gen. n.
Key words: periphyton, Bryozoa, Eurystomata, Phylactolaemata.

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Mordellid Beetles of the Genus Mordella (Coleoptera, Mordellidae) of Central and Eastern Palaearctics. Odnosum V. K. — Using new characters, a detailed diagnosis, a redescription and a key to males of species of the genus Mordella Linnaeus occurring in Central and Eastern Palaearctics and new data and distribution are provided. Mordella armeniaca Odnosum sp. n. (type locality: Armenia, Khosrov Nat. Reserve, Meghri) described. Types are deposited at the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology (Kyiv).
Key words: Coleoptera, Mordellidae, Mordella, key to species, new species, distribution.

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Morphological Differentiation and Diagnostic of Brown Frogs Rana arvalis, R. temporaria and R. dalmatina (Amphibia, Ranibae) from the Territory of Ukraine. Peskov V. N., Kotserzhynska I. M., Manilo V. V., Pisanets E. M. — Differetiation of Ukrainian brown frogs by totality of morphological characters was studied. The fact of convergent similarity of Transcarpathian brown frogs was determined. Karyotypes of R. temporaria, R. dalmatina and all forms of Rana arvalis are discribed and compared. Diagnostic function, which allowes to determine 3 brown frogs species with 100% reliability are proposed.
Key words: differentiation, diagnostic, brown frogs, body proportions, karyotypes, R. arvalis, R. temporaria, R. dalmatina.

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The Possible Role of Interspecific Competition in the Formation of Specific Geographic Ranges in Wood Mice Sylvaemus (Rodentia, Muridae). Lashkova E. I., Dzeverin I. I. — The ratios of average body, skull and upper molar raw lengths in sympatric species of wood mice of the Ukraine fauna are smaller, than those supposed with Hutchinson’s rule. The comparison of these estimations with the data about specific geographic ranges of wood mice allows to assume that interspecific competition could be only a factor of minor importance in affecting the formation of species geographic ranges and morphological peculiarities.
Key words: Sylvaemus, interspecific competition, specific geographic range, Hutchinson’s rule.

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Demographic Structure of Rana esculenta (Amphibia, Ranidae) Complex Hybrid Populations from the Middle Dnieper Basin. Nekrasova O. D., Mezhzherin S. V., Morozov-Leonov S. Yu. — The structure of the green frogs hybrid populations Rana esculenta complex from the Middle Dnepr basin located in the gradient from the total urban to wildlife landscapes far from Kyiv was studied by the biochemical genetic marking. Five genetic forms of green frog were detected: the marsh frog R. ridibunda (Rform), the pool frog R. esculenta (= lessonae) (Lform), the allodiploid hybrids R. kl. esculenta (E form), the marsh frog with the introgressions (Ri form) and the recombinant hybrid (Er from), that are creating 5 population types (R, L, RE, LE, REL — types). In the total urban part of Kiev only the marsh frog populations are detected. The Ri and Er forms presence is demonstrated only for R, RE, REL population types, the frequency of the marsh frogs with introgression being decreasing from the total urban zone (up to 40%) to the wildlife landscapes. It was detected that the sexual constitution of the hybrids depends on the population system type. Hybrids in the RE and REL populations practically always are males, although in the LE ones the hybrids are the males and the females in equal proportion. The presented results demonstrates the two alternative hybrid population types existence: the unstable populations which structure is reinforced by the permanent parental species hybridization (RE and REL types) and stable ones (LE type), which reinforcement by the parental species hybridization is not obligatory. These populations are distinguished by the genetic peculiarities of the hybrids.
Key words: Rana esculenta complex, hybridization, sex ratio, population structure.

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Comparative Analysis of Morphological Characters of Mite Varroa destructor (Parasitiformes, Varroidae) Parasitizing Honeybees from HiveLogs in Polessky Preserve. Akimov I. A., Benedyk S. V. — The seasonal variability of mite Varroa destructor Anderson et Trueman, 2000 parasitizing polessky honeybees inhabiting hivelogs was studied. The winter generation of mites differs from the summer one by bigger sizes of the dorsal and ventral shields, as well as smaller sizes of the gnathosoma (p < 0.05). The winter generation of mites from hivelogs as compared with the one from hives is characterized by increasing of transversal body sizes, greater sizes of ventral shields and smaller sizes of the legs as well. Such an increasing of some morphological characters of the mites parasitizing polessky honeybees may be related to their adaptation to specific habitation in hivelogs as well as grooming behavior of host.
Key words: Varroa destructor, parasitic mite, polessky honeybee, hivelogs, morphological variability, hostparasite relationships.

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Suctobelbila popovi, a New Species of the Family Suctobelbidae (Oribatei, Acariformes) from Karadag Reserve (Crimea, Ukraine). Gordeeva E. V. — Suctobelbila popovi Gordeeva, sp. n., the european species of the genus Suctobelbila Jacot from the Crimea (Ukraine), is described. New species fits near S. densipunctata Ńhinone, 2003 (Japan), but differs from this species by obtuse lateral rostral teeth, sclerotized pattern of central and rostral parts of prodorsum.
Key words: Acari, Oribatei, Suctobelbidae, Suctobelbila, Europe, Crimea, a new species.

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Strelkowella urunbasiensis gen. et sp. n. (Suctoria, Allantosomatidae) from the Hindgut of the Yakut Horse. Kornilova O. A. — The new suctorian species presumably belonging to the family Allantosomatidae was recognized in digestasamples from Yakut horses. The ciliate has actinophores, thus the new genus Strelkowella gen. n. is created for it. Strelkowella urunbasiensis sp. n. (type species of the genus) is the allantosomid with tentacles crowning, 6 actinophores (three actinophores on each end of the body). Commonly 6 equal capitate tentacles encircle the end of each actinophore. This new species was often observed adhered to the body of Cycloposthium ponomarevi and C. dentiferum (Ciliophora, Entodiniomorphida).
Key words: ciliates, suctorians, Allantosomatidae, Podophryida, Strelkowella urunbasiensis sp. n., endosymbionts, Protozoa, horse, Equus.

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First Find of Nematoda Hysterothylacium aduncum (Nematoda) Larvae from Sagitta Sagitta setosa in the Black Sea. Loboda A. P., Khvorov S. A. — The nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum (Rud., 1802) L3 parasitizing the sagitta Sagitta setosa Mu#ller, 1847 has been found for the first time in the Black Sea. Morphological features of larva were examined and the systematically important morphometric characteristics of found nematoda were provided. The sagitta S. setosa is considered an additional host in the life cycle of H. aduncum.
Key words: nematoda, Hysterothylacium aduncum, development stage, sagitta, Black Sea.

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New Data on Pachygasterinae (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from Ukraine. Dubrovsky A. Ye. — Eupachygaster tarsalis (Zetterstedt, 1842) is recorded from Ukraine for the first time. Two more species, Berkshiria hungarica (Kerte2sz, 1921) and Neopachygaster meromelaena (Dufour, 1841) were found for the first time in the forest zone. Therefore, six of the nine European species of Pachygasterinae are known from Ukraine. One widespread species is expected to be found. A key to species occurring in Ukraine and bordering countries is provided.
Key words: Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Pachygasterinae, Ukraine, new records.

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Peculiarities of station settling of noctuid moth (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in the Regional Landscape Park “GranitnoStepove Pobuzhzha”. Klyuchko Z. F., Sheshurak P. N. — As a result of treatment of multietar collection (1989–2001) of noctuid moths from the northwestern part of Nikolaev Region the data on settling by 204 species of this family in different biotopes (floodland forest, rock oakgrove, meadow, stony steppe, arable lard) of Regional Landscape Park “GranitnoStepove Pobuzhzha” (Mikolaiv Region, Ukrain) are given for the first time. Euribionts are present at majority of studied biotopes and arable land, parks and gardens too. They consist the largest group (more than 35% of species). Much less species of noctuid moths are form forest, meadowsteppe and steppe groups.
Key words: Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, noctuid moth, biotopes, euribiont, Pobuzhzha.

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Miopica paradoxa gen. et sp. n. — New Genus and Species of the Miocene Magpie. Kurochkin E. N., Sobolev D. V. — A new genus and species of a small corvid bird from Miocene localities Belka and Novaya Emetovka of Odessa Region (Middle Meothis, zone 10 MN) is described.
Key words: Miopica, Middle Meothis, southwestern Ukraine.

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