Year 1983, No. 6 (November - December)

Novikov Â. G., Nikonenko A. G. Physiological Mechanisms of Puberty in Mammals and Birds

Bibikova V. I., Belan N. G. An Outline of the Hunting History in the Ukraine

Fauna and Systematics

Kolodochka L. A. Three New Paraseiulus (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) Species in the USSR Fauna and Redescription of P. incognitus Wainstein et Arutunjan, 1967

Dolin V. G., Agaev Â. I. New Click-Beetle Species (Coleoptera, Elateridae) from the Azerbaijan SSR

Badmaeva V. I., Shcherbak N. N. Phrynocephalus guttatus kalmykus ssp. n. (Sauria, Agamidae). from Kalmykia

Gruodis S. P. Some Data on Morphology, Population and Occurrence of Rana lessonae in Lithuania

Nesin V. A. New Finds of the Pliomys (Rodentia, Microtinae) Fossil Voles


Odinashoev A. Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of the Long-Tailed Marmot Feeding in the Pamirs


Nadvornaya L. S. Morphology of the Immature Stages of the Tenebrionid Beetle Stenosis punctiventris

Tsvelykh A. N. Bird Wing Tip Shape and Its Evaluation

Vasilevskaya G. I., Roman N. I. Receptor Nervous Formations in the Black Sea Dolphins Extraocular Musculature

Research Procedure

Vronsky A. A., Nikolaichuk L. A., Belousov A. G. Method for Investigation of the Axial Musculature Electrical Activity and Swimming Kinematics in Fishes

Lobanov N. V., Otrada A. E. Mammals Immobilization with the Aid of M-99 in Ascania-Nova

Short Communications

Dovgal I. V. Haliochona pontica (Ciliophora, Chonotricha) in the Azov Sea

Livshits I. Z., Mitrofanov V. I., Sharonov A. A. New Tetrapod Mite Species (Acari, Eriophyoidea) from Ambrosia, Arbutus and Pteridium

Belyashevsky N. N. New Water Beetle Finds in the Right Bank Ukraine

Zerova M. D., Artokhin K. S. A New Species of the Genus Systole (Hyrnenoptera, Eurytomidae) from the Northern Azov Sea Area

Emets V. M. On the Annual Sex Ratio Dynamics of Acilius canaliculatus in Lakes Within Recreative and Protected Territories

Information and News Items

Kostenko S. M. First International Symposium of Ichthyoparasitology


Puchkov P. V.

Nekrutenko Yu. P, Plushch I. P.

Lvovsky A. L.

Korneev V. A.

Kornyushin V. V., Pronina A. V.