Isezhia golovkovae gen. n., sp. n. (Cyclophyllidea, Schistotaeniidae)
— a new cestode from little grebes (Tachybaptus ruficollis) of Middle Asia. Gulyaev
V. D., Konyaev S. V. — Isezhia golovkovae gen. n., sp. n. parasitizing
little grebes (Tachybaptus ruficollis) in Turkmenistan and Tadjikistan is described.
It differs from the known species of Schistotaeniidae with acanthorhynchoid rostellar
hooks and a common median vaginal duct by the intrusion of uterus into lateral
processes of proglottids.
Key words: Cyclophyllidea, Schistotaeniidae, Tachybaptus ruficollis, Isezhia golovkovae
gen. n., sp. n., Turkmenistan, Tajikistan.
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About taxonomic status of some acanthocephalan
species of the Black Sea fishes. Belofastova I. P. — Records and own
materials on four species of the genus Acanthocephaloides, (A. propinquus (Dujardin,
1845) Meyer, 1933; A. incrassatus (Molin, 1858) Meyer, 1933; A. kostylewi Meyer,
1933, A. rhytidotes (Porta, 1905) Belofastova et Kornijchuk, 2000) are analysed.
A. incrassatus is show to be absent in the Black Sea. A. propinquus is a polymorphic
species with 4–6 hooks in 10–12 longitudinal rows on the proboscis; it parasitizes
and parasites in 29 species of Black Sea fishes; A. kostylewi is a specific parasite
of Solea nasutus (Pallas, 1814) with 5–7 hooks in 12–16 longitudinal rows on the
proboscis and apparently is closely related to Solearhynchus soleae (Porta, 1905)
Buron et Maillard, 1985 and A. rhytidotes (Monticelli, 1905).
Key words: Acanthocephaloides, Solearhynchus, Ukraine, Black Sea.
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Two New Species of the Genus Aphanolaimus
(Nematoda, Aphanolaimidae) from Cameroon. Holovachov O. V. — Two new
species of Aphanolaimus de Man, 1880 are described, and both characterised by
smooth cuticular annulation, finely rounded cephalic setae, weakly sclerotized
stoma, amphid without central elevation, lateral field crenate with two sublateral
rows of dots, renette cell oval; straight vagina; male without neck setae, without
precloacal and with four caudal setae. A. costatus Holovachov, sp. n. has 358–477
mkm long body, 30–39 lateral epidermal glands, anteriormost body pore on 15– 30
annule, lateral field starting on 1st–4th annule; male with five tubular supplements,
spicules 11–13 mkm long with twisted manubrium, rectangular gubernaculum with
caudal apophysis. A. camerunensis Holovachov, sp. n. has 481–542 mkm long body,
10–13 lateral epidermal glands, anteriormost body pore on 28– 30 annule, lateral
field starting on 3rd–5th annule; male with three tubular supplements, spicules
13–15.5 mkm long with elipsoid manubrium, platelike gubernaculum with caudal apophysis.
Key words: A. camerunenesis, A. costatus, morphology, nematodes, new species.
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On the taxonomy of the Acanthocyclops
robustus species-complex (Copepoda, Cyclopidae): Acanthocyclops brevispinosus
and A. einslei sp. n. Mirabdullayev I. M., Defaye D. — New data on morphology
of Acanthocyclops brevispinosus (Herrick, 1884) are provided. A. einslei Mirabdullayev
& Defaye, sp. n., previously misidentified as (sensu Petkovski, 1975; Kiefer,
1976; Einsle, 1997 et al.) is described.
Key words: Crustacea, Cyclopidae, new species.
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New species of the parasitic copepod Salmincola mica sp. n. (Lernaeopodidae) from the round whitefish Prosopium cylindraceum (Coregonidae), of the Anadyr River. Shed’ko M. B. — At inspection of the coregonid fishes from the Anadyr River (Chukchi Peninsula) two females (mature adult and young adult) of the new species Salmincola mica sp. n., were found on the tip of the gill filaments of round whitefish Prosopium cylindraceum. The diagnosis of S. mica sp. n.: second maxilla has a marked inflation around of the basis bulla, winh is clavate, long; length of maxilliped palp is less than 1/3 length of subchela (exclusive of claw); ventral process 4 of terminal segment of endopod of second antenna is as large as dorsal hook 1 and armed with relatively large spines, also it has another much smaller process 5; the ventral papilla of the first maxilla is reduced, exopod has short seta; the mandible has seven teeth, the proximal three being much smaller than the rest. The description of the found copepods is resulted.Key words: new species, Salmincola mica, copepoda, Coregonidae, Prosopium cylindraceum.
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Intrapopulational differentiation of
the marsh frog Rana ridibunda (Amphibia, Anura) according to length and body proportions.
Peskov V. N., Kotserzhynska I. M. — Age and sex variations of body proportions
have been studied in population of the marsh (Rana ridibunda Pall., 1771) frog
from Kyiv sity. It has been shown, that males and females of Rana ridibunda clearly
differentiate into three groups: subadultus, adultus–I and adultus–II according
to body proportions. It has been established, that not only degree, but also a
character of sex differences changes with age according to body proportions.
Key word: marsh frog, body proportions, age changes, sex differences, morphogenesis.
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Complex Analysis of Morphological Characters
of Gamasid Mite Varroa destructor (Parasitiformes, Varroidae). Akimov I. A., Benedyk
S. V., Zaloznaya L. M. — The study of seasonal variability of mite V.
destructor was carried out. The summer generation of mites appears to be characterized
by the largest morphological variability whereas the winter one has stable characters.
We failed to evolve the complex of morphological characters that would allow us
to identify, with high level of reliability, certain phenotype of the mite. Significant
stability of morphological characters of V. destructor in the course of time was
determined. The mean values of the length and width of the body allow to consider
the Ukrainian population of Varroa mite, which parasitize the honey bee Apis mellifera
Linnaeus, as the Korean haplotype of Varroa destructor Anderson et Trueman, 2000.
Key words: Varroa destructor, gamasid mites, morphology, seasonal variability.
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Application of the diagnostical deworming
method to the horses intestinal helminths investigation. Kuzmina T. A., Kharchenko
V. A., Starovir A. S., Dvoinos G. M. — Commonly, the intestinal helminth
communities of horses are studied by the post mortem methods. The aim of our investigation
was to study the intestinal strongylid community of brood horses from three regions
of Ukraine after deworming using aversektin anthelmintic drugs. Twenty five strongylid
species were found in the horse examined. Every horse was parasitized by 7 to
20 strongylid species. The most prevalent species were Cylicocyclus nassatus and
Cyathostomum catinatum. They were found in 100% of horses examined and composed
respectively 36.5% and 17.5% of the total number of the strongylids collected.
Cylicocyclus leptostomus, Cylicocyclus ashworthi, Cylicostephanus calicatus, Cylicostephanus
longibursatus and Cylicostephanus minutus were found in 80% of horses examined
and composed in sum 36.1% of the total number of the strongylids collected. Besides
the Strongylida, the adult and larval stages of Parascaris equorum, Oxyuris equi
and the larvae of the gastric bots of the genus Gasterophilus were found in faecal
samples. The possibility of using the diagnostical deworming method to study the
species composition of horses was discussed.
Key words: Strongylida, horses, the diagnostical deworming method, helminths of
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Trematodes (Trematoda, Monorchiidae)
of Myotis brandtii and M. mystacinus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Samarskaya
Luka (Russia). Demidova T. N., Vekhnik V. P. — Data on trematodes of
two sibling species Myotis brandtii (Eversman, 1845) and Myotis mystacinus (Kuhl,
1819) are analyzed. 9 trematodes species were found — Plagiorchis elegans, P.
koreanus, P. muelleri, P. vespertilionis, Lecithodendrium linstowi, Prosthodendrium
ascidia, P. chilostomum, P. longiforme, Parabascus duboisi. Some morphological
and ecological characteristics of parasites are discussed. Differences between
tematodes fauna of sibling species were detected: M. brandtii infected by 9 trematode
species, but M. mystacinus infected just by 2 species — Plagiorchis koreanus e
Prosthodendrium ascidia.
Key words: Trematoda, Monorchiidae, Myotis brandtii, M. mystacinus, Samarskaya
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The nematode (Nematoda) fauna of potato
tubers with ditylenchose. Zhilina T. N. — Species composition of nematodes
found in ditylenchose attacked potato tubers is analysed. These species belong
to three ecotrophic groups: phytohelminths (plant parasites), mycohelminths (mycotrophs)
and saprotrophs (saprobios feeders). Saprotrophs is the predominant group over
others species. Two species, Ditylenchus destructor Thorne, 1945 (phytohelminths)
and Mesodiplogaster lheritieri (Maupas, 1919) Goodey, 1963 (saprotrophs), have
in the number the dominating status in affected tubers of potato plant.
Key words: fauna, phytonematodes, ditylenchus, potato, tubers.
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A New Species of Marine Leeches (Hirudinea,
Piscicolidae) from the Coastal Waters of South Africa. Utevsky A. Yu.
— The marine piscicolid leech Austrobdella oosthuizeni A. Utevsky, sp. n. from
the coastal waters of South Africa is described and illustrated. The body is up
to 9.7 mm long, trachelosome subcylindrical, urosome flattened without pulsatile
vesicles; body unpigmented, semitransparent; eyes and ocelli absent (in fixed
specimens). The specimens were collected on Jassus lalandii (Crustacea, Decapoda).
Key words: Austrobdella oosthuizeni sp. n., Hirudinea, Piscicolidae, Jassus lalandii,
South Africa.
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The colonies of termites Reticulitermes
lucifugus (Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae) in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve (Ukraine).
Tur L. P. — The caste composition of a nest and structure of the population
of termites Reticulitermes lucifugus Rossi at the sandy Steppe of the South of
Ukraine are presented.
Key words: Reticulitermes lucifugus, colony of termites, nest, Black Sea Biosphere
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Comparaive karyologycal research of
the «western» form of the common spadefoot, Pelobates fuscus (Amphibia, Pelibatidae),
from Kyivska, Chernigivska and Zakarpatska Region of Ukraine. Manilo V. V, Radchenko
V. I. — Karyotype of «western» form of common spadefooted toad, the Pelobates
fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) from three region of Ukraine was investigated. 13 pairs
of chromosomes divide into two dimensional groups: 7 large and 6 small. Nhromosomal
formula: 2n = 4V + 18 sV + 4 sT = 26, NF = 52. Secondary constriction is located
at the short shoulder of 7-th pair chromosomes. The sexual chromosomes are not
Key words: karyotype, chromosome, arm ratio, species, distributional range.