Factors of Evolution from the Positions of the System Approach
(Biosphere as an Arena of Evolutionary Processes). Kovtun M. F. — Îáñóæäàåòñÿ
The problem of joined evolution of the life and biosphere as a global biological system.
The system approach is based on P. K Anokhin’s theory of functional systems; the concepts
of evolution, structure and function of biosphere are rested mainly upon V. I. Vernadsky’s
doctrine. It is shown that from the system approach viewpoint, the concepts of the
evolution, biosphere, biotic circulation and natural selection become somewhat different;
also different are appraisal and essence of other evolutionary factors. The main evolutionary
factors are considered as follows: potentially unlimited number of ecological niches;
heterogenity of the system; Ãëàâíûìè ôàêòîðàìè ýâîëþöèè ïðåäñòàâëÿþòñÿ ñëåäóþùèå:
ïîòåíöèàëüíî íåîãðàíè÷åííîå êîëè÷åñòâî ýêîëîãè÷åñêèõ íèø; ãåòåðîãåííîñòü ñèñòåìû;
need of intensification of biogenic migration of atoms and expansion into biosphere
resources in the biotic circulation; variability of organisms; free substance and
energy; useful final result, which the system tries to receive.
Key words: evolution, biosphere, system, system approach, evolutionary factors.
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The Systematic Revision of the Genus Setodiscophrya
(Ciliophora, Suctorea). Dovgal I. V., Zharikov V. V., Bykova S. V. —The suctorian
genus Setodiscophrya Jankowski, 1981 is revised based on own and literature data.
The new information on the distribution and ecology of the three species, the diagnosis
of new species S. volgensis sp. n. and revised diagnoses of the all species and the
genus are provided.
Key words: suctorians, Setodiscophrya, ecology, taxonomy.
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Bivalve Mollusc Anadara inaequivalvis (Bivalvia,
Arcidae) in the Northern Part of the Sea of Azov: Completion of Colonization of the
Azov-Black Sea Basin. Anistratenko V. V., Haliman I. A. — The bivalve mollusk
Anadara inaequivalvis (Bruguie1re, 1789) is found for the first time in the Northwest
part of the Sea of Azov. The find registers a final stage of settling by this species
in the Azov-Black Sea basin. Distribution, ecological peculiarities of this mollusk
and significance of its penetration for the local fauna are discussed.
Key words: Bivalvia, Arcidae, Anadara, malacofauna, the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov.
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Breeding Biology of the Fiscal Shrike, Lanius
collaris (Laniidae), in a Peri-Urban Environment in Roma (Lesotho). Kopij G.
— An urbanized population of the Fiscal Shrike was studied in a park-like residential
and landscape area at the foothills of the Maloti/Drakensberg region. Studies focused
on these aspects of breeding ecology which have not been previously investigated,
viz. year-to-year and intra-seasonal variations in reproductive performance, breeding
performance in relation to population density, and site tenacity in relation to habitat
type. In addition, nest site selection and diet was also analyzed.
Key words: Lanius collaris, urbanization, breeding, diet, Lesotho, southern Africa.
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Morphometrical Characters of the Shell of
the Bivalvial Mollusks of the Subfamily Limnocardiinae (Bi-valvia, Cardiidae) and
its Significance in their Taxonomy. Munasypova-Motyash I. A. — The results
of the morphometrical analysis of shells characteristics of Limnocardiinae are given.
The diagnostic shells characteristics for the section Monodacna occurring in Ukraine
are proposed.
Key words: Limnocardiinae, Monodacna, morphometry, fauna, distribution, characters
of shells.
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Materials on Karyology of the Fire-Bellied
Toad Bombina bombina and B. variegata (Amphibia, Anura, Bombinatoridae) from the Territory
of Ukraine. Manilo V. V., Radchenko V. I., Reminnyj V. J. — Karyotypes are
described for the first time and the basic morphometry measurements (centromere and
humeral indexes, general length of karyotype) are presented for two species (fire-bellied
and yellow-bellied toads from Ukraine). On the basic karyological parameters differences
between species are shown only morphology (humeral, centromere indexes) of the fifth
pair of chromosomes snd in the general length of karyotype. Chromosomal formula of
Bombina bombina (Linnaeus, 1761) is 2n = 20 V + 4 SV = 24, NF = 48; B. variegata (Linnaeus,
1761): 2n = 22 V + 2 SV = 24, NF = 48. For both species the secondary constriction
is located on the long shoulder of the 7-th pair of chromosomes, sexual chromosomes
were not identified.
Key words: karyotype, chromosome, arm ratio, centromere index, Bombina bombina, B.
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Parasitofauna of Fish of the Far East Complex
Established in Reservoirs of the Southern Aral Sea. Urazbaev A. N., Kurbanova A. I.
— The parasite fauna of fish species, acclimatized in the reservoirs of the Aral Sea
basin is reviewed and compared to that in the rivers of Amur Basin and water reservoirs
of China, where they were brought from. The impoverishing of their parasite fauna
and its replacement by local widely distributed species is observed. The characteristic
of the new-tenants parasites is given; their pathogenous forms are recorded. The information
on the cycles of development of Bothriocephalus opsariichthydis Yamaguti, 1934 and
on the composition of interim host in the Lower Amudarya is given.
Key words: fish parasite fauna, anthropic pressure, Southern Aral.
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The New Data about the New Host of Eurytoma
pistaciae (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae). Klymenko S. I. — Eurytoma pistaciae
Rondani previously known to infest the rosaceous gall wasps, is recorded for the first
time as a parasite of Aulacidea hieracii Bouche, which induce galls on grassy species
of Hieracium. The morphological features of Aulacidea hieracii Bouche are discussed.
Key words: Eurytomidae, Cynipidae, host-parasite connections, ecology, Ukraine.
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A Find of the New for Fauna of Ukraine Genus
Charitopsis (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) with Describing Earlier Unknown
Short-Winged Form. Simutnik S. A. — The female Charitopsis laticornis Trjapitzin
with reduced wings is described. The monotypic genus Charitopsis is recorded for the
first time from Ukraine.
Key words: Encyrtidae, Charitopsis, Charitopsis laticornis, short-winged form, fauna,
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Pathological Deformations of the Skull of
Eastern Hedgehog, Erinaceus concolor (Erinaceidae, Insectivora), in the Belarus Polesye.
Savarin A. A. — A series of skulls (n = 288) of Erinaceus concolor Martin,
1838, living on the territory of the south-eastern part of Belarus is examined. The
following pathologies have been found: protruding frontal bones with thinned attaching
fragments, perforation of the arch, diffusive destruction of the upper jaw, swelling
of the upper jaw.
Key words: Erinaceus concolor, Byelorussian Polesye, skull, pathology, mortality.
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Behaviour of the Black Sea Dolphin, Tursiops
truncatus ponticus (Cetacea), Mother and Culf under Oceanarium Conditions. Chechina
O. N. — Interaction of a mother and culf the Black Sea dolphin (Tursiops
truncates ponticus Barabasch, 1940) during his development is considered. Elements
of behaviour of the dolphins, carried out in common in locomotion, feedings, rest,
contact, research behaviour, joint games processes, and also behaviour of mother at
care culf and his protection are allocated. The important role of interaction of mother
and culf in its development is shown.
Key words: Tursiops truncatus, dolphin, ontohenesis, behaviour, culf.