Vestnik Zoologii

Volume 44, No. 6 (November-December, 2010)

Ciliates on the Macrophytes in Industrially Heated Lakes (Kujawy Lakeland, Poland). Babko R., Fyda J., Kuzmina T., Hutorowicz A. — The ciliate assemblage on the macrophytes was examined in 2005 during the vegetation period in the Konin2skie Lakes which are heating by post-cooling waters from thermal electric plants. As a result of changed temperature regimen the alien thermophilic macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis is becoming increasingly common in the littoral zone. A total of 150 ciliate taxa belonging to 27 orders were found. Greater ciliate species diversity was found on architecturally complex, submerged forms such as Ceratophyllum demersum and Myriophyllum spicatum. By contrast the ciliate compositions on emergent macrophytes with simple architecture in their submerged parts, such as Typha, Sparganium, or Acorus, were less species rich. Despite the simple architecture of Vallisneria leaves, the ciliate diversity on them was high. The results show that replacement of native macrophytes by the alien form V. spiralis in heated lakes did not impoverish the ciliate diversity.
Key words: ciliate, macrophytes, diversity, lakes.

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Hymenolepidoid Cestodes (Cyclophyllidae, Hymenolepidoidae) of Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) from the South of Ukraine. Kornyushin V. V., Greben O. B. — Four hymenolepidoid cestode species Glareolepis porale (Meggitt, 1927) Spassky, 1967; Wardium (s. l.) tauricum Kornyushin et Greben, sp. n.; Wardium (s. l.) sp. n.; and Echinocotyloides longirostris (Rudolphi, 1819) Kornyushin, 1983 from pratincole from the Southern Ukraine are discribed. The morphology of G. porale is described in details. An interesting new observation is that testes are lacking in female proglottides of G. porale; the structures described in literature as testes in hermaphroditic proglottides are, in fact, ovarian lobes. The new cestode species Wardium (s. l.) tauricum sp. n. is described. It is characterised by aploparaksoid hooks, 13–15 µm long, and conical armed cirrus, 20–22 µm long. Another cestode species, Wardium (s. l.) sp., is identified to the generic level only. It differs from all the species of the genus in the size and armament of the cirrus; however, no scolex was present in the material studied.
Key words: Glareola pratincola, Glareolepis porale, Wardium (s. l.) tauricum sp. n, Echinocotyloides longirostris, Ukraine.

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Helminths of the Marbled Goby (Pomatoschistus marmoratus), a Mediterranean Immigrant in the Black Sea Fauna. Kvach Yu. — The marbled goby, Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Risso, 1810), the Mediterranean immigrant in the Black Sea fauna, was examined for the metazoan parasites. In total, 12 parasite species were found to occurre. The component community consists of 7 trematode species, two nematodes, two acanthocephalans, and one cestode species. Two parasite species (Aphalloides coelomicola and Dichelyne minutus) were represented by both adults and larvae, four parasite species were presented by adults (Asymphylodora pontica, Paratimonia gobii, Acanthocephaloides propinquus, and Telosentis exiguus), and six species were presented by larvae (Bothriocephalus gregarius, Cryptocotyle concavum, C. lingua, Pygidiopsis genata, Timoniella imbutiforme, and Contracaecum microcephalum). T. imbutiforme has the great tendency to join the infracommunity. The core of parasite fauna of the marbled goby consists of two specialists, A. coelomicola and P. gobii, which immigrated to the Black Sea together with their hosts. The co-immigration is a result of co-evolution of the parasites’ and host’s life cycles.
Key words: marbled goby, Black Sea, parasites, Mediterranean immigrants.

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Meeting Expansion of Natural Habitats of the Nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos, and Thrush Nightingale, L. luscinia, (Aves, Turdidae) on the Crimea Peninsula and Adjacent Territories. Tsvelykh A. N. — The Nightingale and Thrush Nightingale are found to expand their natural habitats in the steppe zone of the Crimean Peninsula and on adjacent territories as a result of artificial afforestation. The natural habitat of Nightingale occupies greater part of Crimean Peninsula and expands beyond it in the north. The Thrush Nightingale inhabits artificial afforestations north of Crimean Peninsula and has been found in Crimean isthmus. Formation of a new sympatry area of these species is registered to the north of Crimean Peninsula. In the area of sympatry Nightingales breeds by separate pair, their numbers is considerably below than the numbers of Thrush Nightingales. In the area of sympatry is marked habitats vicariate of these species — Nightingale is occupy more xerophilic areas of planting, and Thrush Nightin-gale more mesophilic.
Key word: Luscinia megarhynchos, Luscinia luscinia, Crimean Peninsula, distribution, steppe zone, afforestations.

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Seasonal Changes of Abundance and Species Richness of Testate Amoebae (Testacealobosea, Testaceafilosea) in the River Gujva (Dnieper River Basin). Alpatova O. N. — Data on the seasonal changes of abundance and species richness of testate amoebae species and subspecies in Gujva River during 2008 and 2009 years are presented in the article. The maximal quantitative and qualitative development of testate amoebae was observed in June. The significant relations between amoebae abundance are with temperature of water, dissolved organic matter and dissolved oxygen on the one hand and between species richness of amoebae and dissolved organic matter and dissolved oxygen on the other hand were found. During the period of investigation 48 species and subspecies of testate amoebae were found.
Key words: testate amoebae, seasonal dynamics, quantity, species richness.

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Morphological Variability of Plagiorhynchus (Prosthorhynchus) cylindraceus (Acanthocephala, Plagiorhynchidae) and its Importance in Assessment of Taxonomy Structure of the Subgenus. Lisitsyna O. I. — Morphological variability in cystacanths and adults of P. (P.) cylindraceus (Goeze, 1782) Schmidt et Kuntz, 1966, type material of P. (P.) gallinagi Schachtachtinskaja, 1953 and P. (P.) gracilis Petrochenko, 1958 were studied. Data on intermediate hosts, definitive hosts and distribution of some species from the subgenus Prosthorhynchus were summarized. The taxonomy of the subgenus is discussed and names P. (P.) formosus Van Cleave, 1918, P. (P.) genitopapillatus Lundstro#m, 1942, P. (P.) transversus Rudolphi, 1819, P. (P.) gallinagi and P. (P.) gracilis are placed as synonyms of P. (P.) cylindraceus.
Key words: Acanthocephala, Plagiorhynchidae, Prosthorhynchus, taxonomy.

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The first record of Asymphylodora progenetica (Trematoda, Monorchiidae) in Ukraine. Kudlai O. S. — The trematode Asymphylodora progenetica Serkova et Bychovskii, 1940 was found in freshwater mollusks Bithynia tentaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) collected from the Kalmius River (near the city of Donetsk) in Ukraine. This species was recorded for the first time in Ukraine. Previously unknown encysted metacercariae and all detected stages of development are described and figured.
Key words: Trematoda, Asymphylodora progenetica, redia, metacercaria, progenesis, Bithynia tentaculata, Kalmius River.

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Steinertetanonema nom. n. — íîâîå çàìåùàþùåå íàçâàíèå äëÿ Tetanonema (Nematoda, Dracunculoidea). Ñîêîëîâ Ñ. Ã. — Ïðåäëîæåíû íîâûå çàìåùàþùèå íàçâàíèÿ: Steinertetanonema nom. n. äëÿ ïðåîêêóïèðîâàííîãî ðîäîâîãî íàçâàíèÿ Tetanonema Steiner, 1937 (non Ulmer, 1905). è Steinertetanonematidae nom. n. — äëÿ Tetanonematidae Skrjabin et Schikhobalova, 1948.
Êëþ÷åâûå ñëîâà: Dracunculoidea, Tetanonema, Myxiniformes.

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First Record of Mites of the Family Stigmaeidae (Acari, Raphignathoidea) from Rovno Amber with Description of a New Species of the Genus Mediolata. Kuznetsov N. N., Khaustov A. A., Perkovsky E. E. — A new species, Mediolata eocenica Kuznetsov, Khaustov et Perkovsky, sp. n., is described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber. It is the first fossil record of Stigmaeidae.
Key words: Stigmaeidae, Mediolata, new species, Rovno amber, Late Eocene.

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Description of Male and Redescription of Female of Eurytoma calicotomae (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae). Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya. — Originally, Eurytoma calicotomae Zerova, 2005 was described from one single female from Israel. Based on additional material from Iran, previously unknown male is described and female is redescribed.
Key words: Eurytomidae, Eurytoma calicotomae, Iran, Israel.

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Small Mammal Fauna of the Mining Industry Dumps of Donbass. Ulyura E. N. — Small mammal fauna of the coal mining dumps and excavations of building materials of Donbass was studied in 2007-2009. Nine species of small mammals (Sylvaemus sylvaticus, S. uralensis, S. tauricus, Microtus levis, Spalax microphthalmus, Crocidura suaveolens, Erinaceus roumanicus, Rattus norvegicus, Ondatra zibethicus) were found. The regularities of their biotopical distribution, the structure of communities and processes of reproduction were established depending on some properties of dumps. The communities of small mammals inhabiting mining industry dumps were characterized by poor species diversity, definite monodominant structure and prevalence of euritopic forms. The main body of small mammal fauna was represented by species belonging to the genus Sylvaemus. The groups of these species were characterized by the highest reproductive activity of individuals of the age group "subad."; their increase in number was attributed to the inflow of animals from the neighboring buffer zones during their active settlement.
Key words: small mammal fauna, transformed territories, mining industry dumps, biotope distribution, the structure of communities.

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