Babko R., Fyda J., Kuzmina T., Hutorowicz A. Ciliates on the Macrophytes in Industrially Heated Lakes (Kujawy Lakeland, Poland) ... 483493 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Kornyushin V. V., Greben O. B. Hymenolepidoid Cestodes of Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) from the South of Ukraine ... 495493 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Kvach Yu. Helminths of the Marbled Goby (Pomatoschistus marmoratus), a Mediterranean Immigrant in the Black Sea Fauna ... 509518 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Tsvelykh A. N. Meeting Expansion of Natural Habitats of the Nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos, and Thrush Nightingale, L. luscinia (Aves, Turdidae), on the Crimean Peninsula and Adjacent Territories ... 519523 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Alpatova O. N. Seasonal Changes of Abundance and Species Richness of Testate Amoebae (Testacealobosea, Testaceafilosea) in the River Gujva (Dnieper River Basin) ... 525532 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Lisitsyna O. I. Morphological Variability of Plagiorhynchus (Prosthorhynchus) cylindraceus (Acanthocephala, Plagiorhynchidae) and its Importance in Assessment of Taxonomy Structure of the Subgenus ... 533542 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Kudlai O. S. The First Record of Asymphylodora progenetica (Trematoda, Monorchidae) in Ukraine ... 543546 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Sokolov S. G. Steinertetanonema nom. n. a New Replacement Name for Tetanonema (Nematoda, Dracunculoidea) ... 547548 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Kuznetsov N. N., Khaustov A. A., Perkovsky E. E. First Record of Mites of the Family Stigmaeidae (Acari, Raphignathoidea) from Rovno Amber with Description of a New Species of the Genus Mediolata ... 549551 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya. Description of Male and Redescription of Female of Eurytoma calicotomae (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) ... 553555 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Ulyura E. N. Small Mammal Fauna of the Mining Industry Dumps of Donbass ... 557561 [abstract] [full text in PDF]
Akimov I. A., Kharchenko V. O. Galina Iosifovna Shcherbak (to her birthday) ... 563564
Korneev V. Yuriy Pavlovich Nekrutenko (30.IV.193611.VI.2010) ... 565566
Gerasyov P. I. Catalogue of Helminths of Vertebrates of Ukraine. Part 2. Monogenea. A. I. Miroshnichenko ... 567568
Atrashkevich G. A., Sokolov S. G. Catalogue of Helminths of Vertebrates of Ukraine. Acanthocephala. Monogenea. O. I. Lisitsyna, A. I. Maroshnichenko ... 569570
Mielczarek L., Popov G. V., Lezhenina I. P. New Records of the Hover Flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Crimea and Ukraine ... 494 [full text in PDF]
Zaika M. I., RohaC6ek J., Korneyev V. A. Crumomyia pedestris (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) the First Record from Ukraine ... 508 [full text in PDF]
Zaika M. I., Woznica A., Korneyev V. A. The First Record of Orbellia hiemalis (Diptera, Heleomyzidae) for the Fauna of Ukraine ... 508 [full text in PDF]
Sergeev M. E., Konovalov S. V. The First Record of Smaragdina tibialis (Coleopetra, Chrysomelidae) for the Fauna Ukraine ... 508 [full text in PDF]
Karolinskiy Ε., Gramma V. New Finds of Dragonflies (Odonata) in Kharkiv Region ... 524 [full text in PDF]
Pintilioaie M. A., Korneyev S. V. The First Record of Myopites tenellus (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Romania ... 552 [full text in PDF]
Almeida J. M. Korneyev S. V. The First Record of Tephritis stictica (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Portugal ... 552 [full text in PDF]
Bashta A.-T., Pokrytiuk L., Benda P. Alcathoes Bat Myotis alcathoe a New Bat Species (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Ukraine ... 552 [full text in PDF]
Korneyev V. A, NepomNyascha N. M., Ujevska S. P. The Drosophilid Flies (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in the Cultures of Edible Mushrooms in Ukraine ... 556 [full text in PDF]
Baranov V. A. New Records of Non-Biting Midges (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Kharkiv Region ... 556 [full text in PDF]
Kostjuk I. Yu., Budashkin Yu. I. , Savchuk V. V. New Records of Geometrid Moths (Lepidoptera) from Ukraine ... 562 [full text in PDF]